Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 48 100.0

line true false branch
128 132 1 if (defined $html) { }
144 2 2 if (defined $label and &blessed($tex) and $tex->isa('TeX::Hyphen'))
163 543 57 if ($self->_hyphenable($node))
165 189 354 if ($TAG eq $type) { }
229 125 elsif ($TEXT eq $type or $RAW eq $type) { }
170 10 130 if ($text_attr->has($k) and length $v >= $self->min_length)
180 148 81 if (length $string >= $self->min_length and $string =~ /$NONSPACE/ux)
204 3 130 if ($EMPTY ne $self->_doctype)
220 178 2 if (defined $self->_hyphenators->{$self->_lang}) { }
240 573 101 if ($_[0]) { }
252 104 233 if (defined $lang)
255 233 104 unless (defined $lang)
257 113 120 if (defined $lang)
261 120 217 unless (defined $lang)
266 104 16 if (not $self->_scope_is_root) { }
275 101 236 unless (defined $lang)
278 103 234 if (not defined $self->_lang or $lang ne $self->_lang)
282 76 27 unless (exists $self->_hyphenators->{$lang})
294 74 2 if (my $file = $thp->filename)
311 62 56 if $self->default_included
312 56 62 unless $self->default_included
320 4 114 if ($included_level == $excluded_level)
346 144 92 if (not $classnames->is_empty and $node->ancestors->size)
351 64 80 if ($nearest)