Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 32 93.7

line true false branch
66 1254 57376 if (@_ > 1)
68 1 1253 if ($name =~ /[\.\[\]]/)
138 241 26 unless $defaults and %$defaults
165 3 49 if ($type =~ s/^-//) { }
1 48 elsif ($type =~ s/^\+//) { }
174 26 26 if ($self->_match_default_args_type($type, $check_parents))
175 1 25 if ($not_in) { }
185 24 24 if ($match)
197 4 48 if ($check_parents) { }
200 4 1 unless $parent->isa('HTML::FormFu::Element')
212 3 46 if ('Block' eq $type and $target->isa('HTML::FormFu::Element::Block'))
219 11 35 if ('Field' eq $type and $target->does('HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Field'))
226 5 30 if ('Input' eq $type and $target->does('HTML::FormFu::Role::Element::Input'))
233 7 23 if ($type eq $target->type)
245 0 197 if $self->{'tt_args'}
269 1635 0 $args ? :