Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 45 64.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
36 139 13 15 not ref $color_def and substr($color_def, 0, 1) =~ /\w/u
152 0 15 not ref $color_def and substr($color_def, 0, 1) =~ /\w/u and not $color_def =~ /,/u
199 7 1 0 ref $saturation_tilt and ref $saturation_tilt ne "HASH"
209 7 1 0 ref $lightness_tilt and ref $lightness_tilt ne "HASH"

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
144 0 9 ($arg->{'pos'} // $arg->{'position'}) // "0.5"
145 4 8 $arg->{'in'} // "HSL"
163 5 1 $arg->{'in'} // "HSL"
164 6 0 $arg->{'steps'} // 3
165 2 4 $arg->{'dynamic'} // 0
193 4 4 $arg{'steps'} // 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
27 6 0 42 @args == 3 or Graphics::Toolkit::Color::Space::Hub::is_space($args[0])
28 4 0 44 @args == 6 or @args == 8
144 3 0 9 $arg->{'pos'} // $arg->{'position'}
203 0 0 1 not defined $space_name or $space_name ne "HSL"
0 0 1 not defined $space_name or $space_name ne "HSL" or not exists $pos_hash->{'1'}
213 0 0 1 not defined $space_name or $space_name ne "HSL"
0 0 1 not defined $space_name or $space_name ne "HSL" or not exists $pos_hash->{'2'}