Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 156 192 81.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
162 1058 0 4 $border_width > $EM * 0.2 and $border_width < $EM * 0.75
209 2053 1540 647 ref $other and not $other->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge')
3593 431 216 ref $other and not $other->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge') and not $other->isa_cell
1971 7 209 ref $other and not $other->isa('Graph::Easy::Edge') and not $other->isa_cell and not $other->isa('Graph::Easy::Node::Empty')
286 1041 0 11 $border eq 'none' and not $shape =~ /^(invisible|point)/
399 60 34 30 $ax == 1 and $ay == 1
535 122 35 0 $line_len >= $wrap and $last_space != 0 || $last_hyphen != 0
816 71 0 6 $shape eq 'invisible' and $class ne 'node.anon'
828 62 0 9 $title ne '' and $shape ne 'img'
881 66 3 0 $class eq 'node.anon' and $out->{'border'}
1 2 0 $class eq 'node.anon' and $out->{'border'} and $out->{'border'} eq 'none'
1101 649 13 380 defined $flow and $flow =~ /^(0|90|180|270)\z/
1102 649 1 12 defined $flow and $flow =~ /^(south|north|east|west|up|down)\z/
1111 384 0 390 $e->{'from'} != $self and $e->{'to'} == $self
1157 1138 19 1 defined $r and not defined $c
1158 1138 19 1 defined $c and not defined $r
1265 44 47 1043 $unspecified < 4 and $unspecified == keys %{$$self{'edges'};}
1331 176 19 1 $outgoing == 0 and $front_side eq $side
1337 176 11 9 $outgoing == 0 and $front_side eq $side
1395 25 0 2 $txt =~ /\\L/ and $do_label
1449 0 104 6 not $_[0] and $title =~ /\\[EGHNTL]/
1504 261 3676 12 not $_[0] and $label =~ /\\[EGHNT]/
1634 587 631 1293 $edge->{'from'} == $self and $edge->{'to'} == $other
1654 133 142 17 $e->{'to'} eq $self and $attr eq 'start'
1656 142 121 12 $e->{'from'} eq $self and $attr eq 'end'
1662 14 0 249 $s_p eq $side and @ss_p == 1
14 0 249 $s_p eq $side and @ss_p == 1 and $ss_p[0] eq $port
1882 5 2 3 $edge->{'to'} == $self and $edge->{'from'} == $other
1897 4 2 2 $edge->{'from'} == $self and $edge->{'to'} == $other
1911 0 198 0 ref $parent and $parent->isa('Graph::Easy::Node')
2067 137 6 8 exists $self->{'autosplit'} and not defined $self->{'autosplit'}
2085 54 16 0 $x == 0 and $y == 0
2109 755 0 14 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' and defined $index
2160 111 0 4 not ref $group and $graph

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
380 1133 4 $self->{'rank'} || 0
381 1133 4 $parent->{'_rank_coord'} || 'x'
598 109 2409 $3 || '\\n'
812 72 5 $self->{'cy'} || 1
813 72 5 $self->{'cx'} || 1
1019 18 1 $self->{'att'}{'rotate'} || 0
1163 1158 0 $r || 1
1164 1158 0 $c || 1
1485 8 0 $len || 0
1488 6 0 $self->{'graph'} || {}
1489 0 6 $g->{'_ascii_style'} || 0
1556 0 4 $self->{'x'} || 0
0 4 $self->{'y'} || 0
1563 55 18 $self->{'dx'} || 0
45 28 $self->{'dy'} || 0
2202 1137 3079 $self->{'cx'} || 1
2203 1137 3079 $self->{'cy'} || 1
2207 0 4216 $parent->{'debug'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
84 85 1 0 $one ne 'none' or $two ne 'none'
107 2 1 10 $one eq $b or $two eq $b
185 0 0 1062 $self->{'parent'} || $self->{'graph'}
255 1 0 7 $style eq 'invisible' or $shape eq 'invisible'
481 18 56 914 defined $self->{'origin'} or $children > 0
535 13 1 21 $last_space != 0 || $last_hyphen != 0
878 0 56 5 $out->{'border'} =~ /^\s*\z/ or $out->{'border'} eq $DEF
950 0 0 0 $v eq '' or $v eq $def
1068 381 259 649 $self->parent->raw_attribute('flow') || $def
1098 1029 0 13 not defined $flow or $flow eq 'inherit'
1222 41 0 48 not defined $nr or $nr eq ''
1318 62 6 21 $flow == 90 or $flow == 270
1322 22 12 57 ref $self->{'origin'} or keys %{$$self{'children'};} > 0
2111 7 0 762 not defined $val or $val eq ''
2199 266 186 3764 not defined $cache->{'min_x'} or $x < $cache->{'min_x'}
2200 266 143 3807 not defined $cache->{'min_y'} or $y < $cache->{'min_y'}
2204 266 350 3600 not defined $cache->{'max_x'} or $x > $cache->{'max_x'}
2205 266 388 3562 not defined $cache->{'max_y'} or $y > $cache->{'max_y'}