Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 96 93.7

line true false branch
37 15 287 if $atr =~ /^border/
42 437 107 unless ($class =~ /^edge/)
48 429 8 if $self->default_attribute($class, 'border') =~ /^$border/
50 8 429 if $border ne ''
53 170 374 if ($att ne '')
56 109 61 if (not $att =~ /\n.*\n/ and length $att < 40) { }
68 88 123 if $txt ne ''
78 250 610 if ($att ne '')
86 100 111 if $count > 0
112 134 726 if (defined $n->{'autosplit'} or @out == 0 and (scalar $n->predecessors || 0) == 0)
115 59 75 if exists $n->{'autosplit'} and not defined $n->{'autosplit'}
116 24 51 unless defined $n->{'_p'}
151 40 5 unless ($self->isa('Graph::Easy::Group::Anon'))
163 35 10 keys %$n > 0 ? :
189 128 1425 if (exists $self->{'autosplit'})
192 83 45 unless defined $self->{'autosplit'}
203 45 1425 if (exists $self->{'autosplit'})
224 18 14 if $k eq 'basename'
226 3 11 unless defined $val
235 16 5 unless defined $v
236 14 7 if $v ne $first
240 4 10 if $not_equal == 0
243 2 12 if $val =~ /\|.*\|/
245 14 0 unless $val eq '|'
247 18 27 if defined $self->{'att'}{'basename'}
258 2 43 if $self->isa('Graph::Easy::Group') and exists $self->{'group'}
260 69 1401 if (defined $self->{'origin'})
268 18 1452 if (exists $new->{'columns'})
274 1 17 if $new->{'size'} eq '1,1'
279 51 491 if $atr =~ /^border/
284 848 622 unless ($self->isa_cell)
287 803 45 if (not exists $self->{'autosplit'}) { }
303 17 831 if ref $g and $g->attribute($class, 'border') eq $border
304 44 804 if $border ne ''
309 54 1416 if $class =~ /\.(\w+)/
312 133 1337 if ref $self->{'group'} and $self->{'group'}->attribute('nodeclass') eq $c
315 36 1434 if $c ne '' and $c ne 'anon'
318 389 1081 if $att ne ''
341 74 1120 if (exists $self->{'autosplit'} and defined $self->{'autosplit'})
363 0 23 if (exists $self->{'autosplit'})
365 0 0 unless defined $self->{'autosplit'}
400 455 167 unless defined $n
402 31 591 if $self->{'bidirectional'}
403 21 601 if $self->{'undirected'}
411 15 607 if ($s =~ /^(bold|bold-dash|broad|wide|invisible)\z/) { }
422 0 607 unless (defined $style)
429 64 558 if $n ne ''
432 0 622 if $self->{'undirected'} and substr($style, 1, 1) eq ' '