Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 55 77 71.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
220 155 43 157 $type != 1089 and $type != 273
246 355 0 $ofs != 0 and ($type != 1089 and $type != 273)
531 16 0 2 $self->{'edge'}{'bidirectional'} and $as ne 'none'
630 14 0 2 $self->{'edge'}{'bidirectional'} and $as ne 'none'
695 1466 1 10 $self->attribute('style') eq 'invisible' and $type ne 0
1268 0 0 0 $self->{'rightbelow_count'} < 2 and not $self->{'have_below'}
1269 0 0 0 $self->{'rightbelow_count'} < 2 and not $self->{'have_right'}
1293 1066 71 297 defined $x and $do_bottom eq 'none'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
62 32 1487 $self->{'graph'}{'_ascii_style'} || 0
175 0 51 $self->{'graph'}{'_ascii_style'} || 0
197 830 0 $ws ||= 0
830 0 $hs ||= 0
702 1254 213 $x || 0
1154 313 $y || 0
986 0 8 $self->{'graph'}{'_ascii_style'} || 0
995 128 5268 $self->{'graph'}{'_ascii_style'} || 0
1145 0 870 $arrow_shapes->{$shape} || 0
1147 26 844 $self->{'graph'}{'_ascii_style'} || 0
1165 0 24 $arrow_shapes->{$shape} || 0
1167 0 24 $arrow_dir->{$arrow_text} || 0
1375 1065 14 $cache->{'top_border'} || 'none'
1376 1065 14 $cache->{'left_border'} || 'none'
1377 1065 14 $cache->{'right_border'} || 'none'
1378 1065 14 $cache->{'bottom_border'} || 'none'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
396 4 47 0 $self->_cross_style($s, $type) || $cross
427 93 83 176 $type == 3 or $type == 4
449 83 90 179 $type == 4 or $type == 6
1009 24 0 0 $g == 0 or $style =~ /^(bold|wide|broad|double|double-dash|bold-dash)\z/
1261 0 0 1273 $self->{'border_collapse_right'} or $self->{'border_collapse_bottom'}
1364 5 1 1086 $shape eq 'invisible' or $self->{'w'} == 0
6 0 1086 $shape eq 'invisible' or $self->{'w'} == 0 or $self->{'h'} == 0