Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 88 51.1

line true false branch
125 0 81 unless defined $name
287 5 91 if ($$self{'_in_vcg_multi_line_label'}) { }
2 89 elsif ($line =~ /(^|\s)label:\s+\"[^\"]*\z/) { }
289 2 3 if ($line =~ /\"[^\"]*\z/) { }
320 0 96 if $$self{'_in_vcg_multi_line_label'} and $$self{'debug'}
322 5 91 if $$self{'_in_vcg_multi_line_label'}
337 0 13 if (@{$$self{'scope_stack'};} > 0)
344 0 0 if $t =~ /^_/
346 0 0 unless ref $$scope{$t}
350 0 0 unless $k =~ /^_/
354 13 0 if defined $is_group
394 13 0 if (@{$$self{'scope_stack'};} == 0) { }
396 0 13 if $$self{'debug'}
402 0 0 if $$self{'debug'}
415 0 13 if $$self{'debug'}
418 0 13 unless defined $scope
429 0 2 if $$self{'debug'} > 1
440 0 26 unless defined $att
444 0 26 if $$self{'debug'} > 1
450 7 19 if keys %{$$scope{'node'};} != 0
453 9 17 if keys %$att != 0
463 13 0 if $type =~ /edge/
465 0 13 unless defined $att
470 0 13 if $$self{'debug'} > 1
476 2 11 if keys %{$$scope{'edge'};} != 0
479 3 10 if keys %$att != 0
495 0 6 if $$self{'debug'} > 2
501 5 1 unless ref $$scope{$type}
531 26 0 unless (defined $node)
537 0 26 unless defined $scope
542 26 0 if $is_group
546 0 26 if $group
782 0 1 if $value eq 'maxdepth'
795 0 0 if $value eq 'maxdepth'
806 0 1 if $value ne 'yes'
816 0 0 if ($value eq 'yes')
844 0 2 if $c =~ /^[0-9]+\z/ and $c < 256
854 3 0 if $class =~ /^[0-9]+\z/
879 0 0 $value =~ /yes/i ? :
889 0 0 $value =~ /yes/i ? :
899 0 0 $value =~ /yes/i ? :
910 4 3 if $c =~ /^[0-9]+\z/ and $c < 256
946 0 0 if $$self{'debug'} > 0
967 2 85 if ($key =~ /^colorentry\s+([0-9]{1,2})/)