Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 248 288 86.1

line true false branch
63 1467 52 unless defined $st
157 28 1489 if $$edge{'undirected'}
181 0 51 unless defined $corner_type
182 51 0 if $g == 1
195 0 830 if $ys < 0
220 157 198 if $ofs != 0 and ($type != 1089 and $type != 273)
223 601 0 if length $line > $w
230 590 11 if $as ne 'none'
235 307 294 if (($flags & 1024) != 0)
240 97 504 if (($flags & 256) != 0)
245 322 279 if (($flags & 64) != 0)
249 321 1 if $as ne 'none'
252 101 500 if (($flags & 16) != 0)
255 1 100 if $as eq 'none'
256 100 1 if $as ne 'none'
262 469 132 if $$self{'type'} & 4096
277 428 0 if length $line > $h
285 414 14 if ($as ne 'none')
288 72 342 if ($flags & 32) != 0
290 217 197 if ($flags & 128) != 0
295 327 101 if $$self{'type'} & 4096
315 0 52 if $$self{'debug'}
317 52 0 if ($$self{'style_ver'} ne 'invisible') { }
323 52 0 if length $line > $h
325 50 2 if ($as ne 'none')
328 3 47 if ($flags & 32) != 0
330 1 49 if ($flags & 128) != 0
335 9 43 if $type == 7
336 6 46 if $type == 8
345 50 2 if $as ne 'none'
347 51 1 if ($$self{'style'} ne 'invisible') { }
356 28 23 if $ofs != 0
358 51 0 if length $line > $w
361 4 47 if (($flags & 1024) != 0)
365 2 49 if (($flags & 256) != 0)
369 7 44 if (($flags & 64) != 0)
373 5 2 if $as ne 'none'
376 0 51 if (($flags & 16) != 0)
379 0 0 if $as eq 'none'
380 0 0 if $as ne 'none'
384 11 40 if $type == 9
385 5 46 if $type == 10
391 51 1 if (not $invisible)
427 176 176 if ($type == 3 or $type == 4)
433 352 0 if length $line > $h
437 343 9 if ($as ne 'none')
440 25 318 if ($flags & 32) != 0
442 43 300 if ($flags & 128) != 0
449 173 179 if ($type == 4 or $type == 6)
460 215 137 if $ofs != 0
462 352 0 if length $line > $w
464 19 333 if ($flags & 256) != 0
465 24 328 if ($flags & 1024) != 0
467 26 326 if (($flags & 64) != 0)
469 1 25 if $as eq 'none'
470 25 1 if $as ne 'none'
472 25 327 if (($flags & 16) != 0)
474 1 24 if $as eq 'none'
475 24 1 if $as ne 'none'
481 90 262 if $type == 6
482 93 259 if $type == 3
483 83 269 if $type == 4
520 10 8 if ($type == 13)
526 18 0 if length $line > $h
529 16 2 if $as ne 'none'
531 2 16 if ($$self{'edge'}{'bidirectional'} and $as ne 'none')
533 1 1 if ($flags & 32) != 0
534 1 1 if ($flags & 128) != 0
538 16 2 if ($as ne 'none')
540 9 7 if ($flags & 32) != 0
541 7 9 if ($flags & 128) != 0
554 6 12 if $ofs != 0
556 18 0 if length $line > $w
560 10 8 if $type == 13
566 10 8 if $type == 13
567 18 0 if $$self{'type'} & 4096
606 16 0 if length $line > $h
608 8 8 if $type == 14
615 8 8 if $type == 14
623 1 15 if $ofs != 0
625 16 0 if length $line > $w
628 14 2 if $as ne 'none'
630 2 14 if ($$self{'edge'}{'bidirectional'} and $as ne 'none')
632 1 1 if ($flags & 16) != 0
633 1 1 if ($flags & 64) != 0
638 14 2 if ($as ne 'none')
640 7 7 if ($flags & 16) != 0
641 7 7 if ($flags & 64) != 0
646 8 8 if $type == 14
648 8 8 if $type == 14
654 8 8 if $type == 14
655 16 0 if $$self{'type'} & 4096
695 10 1467 if $self->attribute('style') eq 'invisible' and $type ne 0
699 0 1467 unless defined $m
719 0 3653 unless defined $w
736 1079 874 unless $align_ver
740 21 1932 if ($align_ver eq 'top')
745 493 1460 if ($align_ver eq 'bottom')
760 1106 148 if $al eq 'c'
761 21 1233 if $al eq 'r'
977 0 8 if $shape eq 'invisible'
979 6 2 if ($style =~ /^(star|square|dot|circle|cross|diamond)\z/)
985 0 8 unless defined $style
998 0 5396 if @$s == 0
1001 4244 1152 unless $self->isa_cell
1002 5372 24 unless $shape eq 'rounded'
1005 16 8 if $style =~ /^(solid|dotted|dashed|dot-dash|dot-dot-dash)\z/
1009 24 0 if $g == 0 or $style =~ /^(bold|wide|broad|double|double-dash|bold-dash)\z/
1144 0 870 unless defined $shape
1164 0 24 unless defined $shape
1190 150 1710 if $do_right . $do_left . $do_bottom . $do_top eq 'nonenonenonenone'
1195 1255 455 if ($do_top ne 'none')
1200 240 1015 if $do_left eq 'none'
1208 208 1047 if (defined $x)
1211 75 133 if $ofs != 0
1215 1015 240 if $tl ne ''
1217 1228 27 if length $top > $w
1220 1083 172 if $do_right ne 'none'
1223 0 1255 if ($$self{'border_collapse_right'})
1233 1273 437 if ($do_bottom ne 'none')
1238 239 1034 if $do_left eq 'none'
1246 208 1065 if (defined $x)
1249 75 133 if $ofs != 0
1253 1034 239 if $bl ne ''
1255 1246 27 if length $bottom > $w
1258 1100 173 if $do_right ne 'none'
1261 0 1273 if ($$self{'border_collapse_right'} or $$self{'border_collapse_bottom'})
1263 0 0 if ($$self{'rightbelow_count'} > 0)
1268 0 0 if $$self{'rightbelow_count'} < 2 and not $$self{'have_below'}
1269 0 0 if $$self{'rightbelow_count'} < 2 and not $$self{'have_right'}
1278 276 1434 if $do_right . $do_left eq 'nonenone'
1290 318 1116 if $do_top eq 'none'
1293 297 1137 if defined $x and $do_bottom eq 'none'
1296 1887 8 if $l > $lc
1297 1887 8 if $r > $rc
1300 1182 252 unless $do_left eq 'none'
1301 1250 184 unless $do_right eq 'none'
1311 7 1079 if ($shape eq 'point')
1318 7 0 if $l
1329 10 1069 if ($border eq 'none')
1348 1095 0 unless $self->isa_cell
1350 3 1092 if ($shape eq 'edge')
1364 1 1086 if $shape eq 'invisible' or $$self{'w'} == 0 or $$self{'h'} == 0
1369 1079 7 if ($shape ne 'point')