Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
17 2 0 unless (defined $param->{'ua'})
20 2 0 unless (defined $param->{'json_parser'})
31 1 16 if ($args->{'discovery_service_url'}) { }
35 15 1 if ($version)
41 6 10 if ($self->_is_v1_discovery_url($service, $version))
51 0 17 unless ($res->is_success)
74 30 400 if ($document->{'resources'}{$resource}{'resources'})
77 424 6 if ($document->{'resources'}{$resource}{'methods'})
78 400 24 unless ($resource_obj)
96 17 30 if ($document->{'auth'})
128 7 9 if (grep {$service eq $_;} keys %replacement)
137 2 10 if ($service eq "compute" and $version eq "alpha" or $service eq "compute" and $version eq "beta" or $service eq "compute" and $version eq "v1" or $service eq "drive" and $version eq "v2" or $service eq "drive" and $version eq "v3" or $service eq "oauth2" and $version eq "v2")