Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 58 96.5

line true false branch
30 0 38 $^O eq 'cygwin' ? :
0 38 $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? :
36 28 162 if -x $binary and not -d _
59 375 2 defined $ENV{'PATH'} && length $ENV{'PATH'} ? :
60 305 6 grep((!'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($_)), 'File::Spec'->path) ? :
63 3 'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($binary) ? :
311 66 ('File::Spec'->splitpath($binary))[2] eq $binary ? :
76 328 49 if exists $binary{$type}{$key}{$binary}{$args}
79 36 13 $type =~ /^path/ ? :
82 24 25 if defined $git and $type eq 'path-rel'
86 14 35 unless defined $git and -x $git
95 2 31 $type eq 'path' ? :
33 2 $version =~ /^git version \d/ ? :
108 143 644 &blessed($_) && $_->isa('Git::Repository') ? :
173 787 ref $_ eq 'HASH' ? :
114 1 358 if @r > 1
121 141 217 if ($r)
128 106 35 if defined $work_tree and length $work_tree
134 106 35 if defined $work_tree
150 35 2044 s/^-// ? :
3 1314 /^!0$/ ? :
34 7 ref $_ ? :
154 64 714 exists $_->{'git'} ? :
158 2 62 ref $git_cmd ? :
64 294 defined $git_cmd ? :
162 7 351 unless defined $git
190 18 328 if ($self->options->{'fatal'}{$self->exit})
195 7 321 if (@errput and not $self->options->{'quiet'})
203 68 260 wantarray ? :