Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 210 482 43.5

line true false branch
27 2082 892 if (!entry)
54 1144 579 for (i = 0; i < cfg->backends.length; ++i) {
56 1144 0 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(internal, backend_internal_free);
1144 0 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(internal, backend_internal_free);
67 5 594 if (cfg == NULL)
70 579 15 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(cfg, config_free);
579 0 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(cfg, config_free);
86 0 579 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(cfg);
90 0 579 if (git_vector_init(&cfg->backends, 3, config_backend_cmp) < 0) {
111 0 140 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cfg);
112 0 140 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(path);
115 3 137 if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) {
0 3 if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) {
0 0 if (res < 0 && errno != ENOENT && errno != ENOTDIR) {
120 0 140 if (git_config_backend_from_file(&file, path) < 0)
123 0 140 if ((res = git_config_add_backend(cfg, file, level, repo, force)) < 0) {
142 0 5 if (git_config_new(&config) < 0)
145 0 5 if ((error = git_config_add_file_ondisk(config, path, GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_LOCAL, NULL, 0)) < 0)
162 0 502 if (git_config_new(&config) < 0)
165 1004 502 git_vector_foreach(&in->backends, i, internal) {
168 0 1004 if ((error = internal->backend->snapshot(&b, internal->backend)) < 0)
171 0 1004 if ((error = git_config_add_backend(config, b, internal->level, NULL, 0)) < 0) {
177 0 502 if (error < 0)
199 0 0 if (level == GIT_CONFIG_HIGHEST_LEVEL) {
202 0 0 git_vector_foreach(&cfg->backends, i, internal) {
203 0 0 if (internal->level == level)
208 0 0 if (pos == -1) {
237 0 0 git_vector_foreach(&cfg->backends, i, internal) {
238 0 0 if (internal->level == level)
242 0 0 if (pos == -1)
247 0 0 if (git_vector_remove(&cfg->backends, pos) < 0)
250 0 0 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(internal, backend_internal_free);
0 0 GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(internal, backend_internal_free);
262 0 1144 if (force)
265 0 1144 if ((result = git_vector_insert_sorted(&cfg->backends,
279 0 0 if (!git_config_open_level(cfg_out, cfg, GIT_CONFIG_LEVEL_XDG))
294 0 0 if ((res = find_backend_by_level(&internal, cfg_parent, level)) < 0)
297 0 0 if ((res = git_config_new(&cfg)) < 0)
300 0 0 if ((res = git_config__add_internal(cfg, internal, level, true)) < 0) {
320 0 1144 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cfg);
321 0 1144 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(backend);
323 0 1144 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_VERSION(backend, GIT_CONFIG_BACKEND_VERSION, "git_config_backend");
325 0 1144 if ((result = backend->open(backend, level, repo)) < 0)
329 0 1144 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(internal);
336 0 1144 if ((result = git_config__add_internal(cfg, internal, level, force)) < 0) {
360 133 66 for (; i > 0; --i) {
362 133 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
0 133 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
380 1177 67 if (iter->current != NULL &&
1045 132 if (iter->current != NULL &&
385 132 67 if (error < 0 && error != GIT_ITEROVER)
0 132 if (error < 0 && error != GIT_ITEROVER)
389 66 133 if (find_next_backend(&i, iter->cfg, iter->i) < 0)
396 66 67 if (iter->current)
401 0 133 if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND)
404 0 133 if (error < 0)
409 0 133 if (error == GIT_ITEROVER)
428 752 41 while ((error = all_iter_next(entry, _iter)) == 0) {
430 738 14 if (git_regexp_match(&iter->regex, (*entry)->name) != 0)
444 67 0 if (iter->current)
463 0 26 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(iter);
481 2 41 if (regexp == NULL)
485 0 41 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(iter);
487 0 41 if ((result = git_regexp_compile(&iter->regex, regexp, 0)) < 0) {
519 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(backend);
520 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cb);
522 0 0 if (regexp && git_regexp_compile(®ex, regexp, 0) < 0)
0 0 if (regexp && git_regexp_compile(®ex, regexp, 0) < 0)
525 0 0 if ((error = backend->iterator(&iter, backend)) < 0) {
530 0 0 while (!(iter->next(&entry, iter) < 0)) {
532 0 0 if (regexp && git_regexp_match(®ex, entry->name) != 0)
0 0 if (regexp && git_regexp_match(®ex, entry->name) != 0)
536 0 0 if ((error = cb(entry, payload)) != 0) {
542 0 0 if (regexp != NULL)
560 0 9 if ((error = git_config_iterator_glob_new(&iter, cfg, regexp)) < 0)
563 27 8 while (!(error = git_config_next(&entry, iter))) {
564 1 26 if ((error = cb(entry, payload)) != 0) {
572 8 1 if (error == GIT_ITEROVER)
600 0 61 if (git_vector_length(&cfg->backends) == 0) {
607 61 0 git_vector_foreach(&cfg->backends, i, backend) {
608 61 0 if (!backend->backend->readonly) {
624 0 15 if (get_backend_for_use(&backend, cfg, name, BACKEND_USE_DELETE) < 0)
644 12 5 return git_config_set_string(cfg, name, value ? "true" : "false");
652 0 41 if (!value) {
657 0 41 if (get_backend_for_use(&backend, cfg, name, BACKEND_USE_SET) < 0)
662 41 0 if (!error && GIT_REFCOUNT_OWNER(cfg) != NULL)
21 20 if (!error && GIT_REFCOUNT_OWNER(cfg) != NULL)
678 0 0 if ((error = git_config__lookup_entry(&ce, config, key, false)) < 0)
681 0 0 if (!ce && only_if_existing) /* entry doesn't exist */
0 0 if (!ce && only_if_existing) /* entry doesn't exist */
683 0 0 if (ce && !overwrite_existing) /* entry would be overwritten */
0 0 if (ce && !overwrite_existing) /* entry would be overwritten */
685 0 0 if (value && ce && ce->value && !strcmp(ce->value, value)) /* no change */
0 0 if (value && ce && ce->value && !strcmp(ce->value, value)) /* no change */
0 0 if (value && ce && ce->value && !strcmp(ce->value, value)) /* no change */
0 0 if (value && ce && ce->value && !strcmp(ce->value, value)) /* no change */
687 0 0 if (!value && (!ce || !ce->value)) /* asked to delete absent entry */
0 0 if (!value && (!ce || !ce->value)) /* asked to delete absent entry */
0 0 if (!value && (!ce || !ce->value)) /* asked to delete absent entry */
690 0 0 if (!value)
730 507 2526 if (normalize_name) {
731 0 507 if ((res = git_config__normalize_name(name, &normalized)) < 0)
737 5175 2141 git_vector_foreach(&cfg->backends, i, internal) {
738 5175 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
0 5175 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
742 892 4283 if (res != GIT_ENOTFOUND)
749 2141 892 if (res == GIT_ENOTFOUND)
750 174 1967 res = (want_errors > GET_ALL_ERRORS) ? 0 : config_error_notfound(name);
751 0 892 else if (res && (want_errors == GET_NO_ERRORS)) {
0 0 else if (res && (want_errors == GET_NO_ERRORS)) {
771 280 1598 return get_entry(
785 0 0 if ((ret = get_entry(&entry, cfg, name, true, GET_ALL_ERRORS)) < 0)
799 28 0 if ((ret = get_entry(&entry, cfg, name, true, GET_ALL_ERRORS)) < 0)
813 1 64 if ((ret = get_entry(&entry, cfg, name, true, GET_ALL_ERRORS)) < 0)
827 30 65 if ((ret = get_entry(&entry, cfg, name, true, GET_ALL_ERRORS)) < 0)
841 404 202 git_vector_foreach(&cfg->backends, i, internal) {
842 404 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
0 404 if (!internal || !internal->backend)
845 0 404 if (!internal->backend->readonly)
854 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out);
855 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(value);
857 0 0 if (value[0] == '~') {
858 0 0 if (value[1] != '\0' && value[1] != '/') {
0 0 if (value[1] != '\0' && value[1] != '/') {
863 0 0 return git_sysdir_expand_global_file(out, value[1] ? &value[2] : NULL);
871 0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__parse_path, value);
0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__parse_path, value);
879 0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__get_path, cfg, name);
0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__get_path, cfg, name);
890 0 0 if ((error = get_entry(&entry, cfg, name, true, GET_ALL_ERRORS)) < 0)
905 0 202 if (!is_readonly(cfg)) {
911 171 31 *out = !ret ? (entry->value ? entry->value : "") : NULL;
171 0 *out = !ret ? (entry->value ? entry->value : "") : NULL;
921 18 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__get_string_buf, cfg, name);
15 3 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(out, git_config__get_string_buf, cfg, name);
931 0 40 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out);
932 0 40 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cfg);
935 20 20 str = !ret ? (entry->value ? entry->value : "") : NULL;
20 0 str = !ret ? (entry->value ? entry->value : "") : NULL;
937 20 20 if (str)
952 0 2 ret = (entry && entry->value) ? git__strdup(entry->value) : fallback_value ? git__strdup(fallback_value) : NULL;
0 0 ret = (entry && entry->value) ? git__strdup(entry->value) : fallback_value ? git__strdup(fallback_value) : NULL;
2 0 ret = (entry && entry->value) ? git__strdup(entry->value) : fallback_value ? git__strdup(fallback_value) : NULL;
966 221 369 if (entry && git_config_parse_bool(&val, entry->value) < 0)
0 221 if (entry && git_config_parse_bool(&val, entry->value) < 0)
981 0 56 if (entry && git_config_parse_int32(&val, entry->value) < 0)
0 0 if (entry && git_config_parse_int32(&val, entry->value) < 0)
996 0 20 if ((err = git_config_multivar_iterator_new(&iter, cfg, name, regexp)) < 0)
1000 10 20 while ((err = iter->next(&entry, iter)) == 0) {
1003 0 10 if ((err = cb(entry, payload)) != 0) {
1010 20 0 if (err == GIT_ITEROVER)
1013 10 10 if (found == 0 && err == 0)
10 0 if (found == 0 && err == 0)
1032 413 24 while ((error = iter->iter->next(entry, iter->iter)) == 0) {
1033 398 15 if (git__strcmp(iter->name, (*entry)->name))
1036 15 0 if (!iter->have_regex)
1039 0 0 if (git_regexp_match(&iter->regex, (*entry)->value) == 0)
1053 0 24 if (iter->have_regex)
1064 0 24 if ((error = git_config_iterator_new(&inner, cfg)) < 0)
1068 0 24 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(iter);
1070 0 24 if ((error = git_config__normalize_name(name, &iter->name)) < 0)
1073 0 24 if (regexp != NULL) {
1074 0 0 if ((error = git_regexp_compile(&iter->regex, regexp, 0)) < 0)
1099 0 5 if (get_backend_for_use(&backend, cfg, name, BACKEND_USE_DELETE) < 0)
1109 0 0 if (get_backend_for_use(&backend, cfg, name, BACKEND_USE_DELETE) < 0)
1122 0 1051 if (iter == NULL)
1130 0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_global_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_GLOBAL);
0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_global_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_GLOBAL);
1140 0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_xdg_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_XDG);
0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_xdg_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_XDG);
1150 0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_system_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_SYSTEM);
0 0 GIT_BUF_WRAP_PRIVATE(path, git_sysdir_find_system_file, GIT_CONFIG_FILENAME_SYSTEM);
1163 0 0 if ((error = git_buf_tostr(&str, path)) == 0 &&
0 0 if ((error = git_buf_tostr(&str, path)) == 0 &&
1182 0 0 if (!is_safe) {
1195 0 1 if (git_sysdir_get(&paths, GIT_SYSDIR_GLOBAL) < 0)
1199 1 0 if (!paths || !git_str_len(paths))
0 1 if (!paths || !git_str_len(paths))
1203 5 1 for (sep = start = git_str_cstr(paths); *sep; ++sep) {
1204 0 5 if (*sep == GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR &&
0 0 if (*sep == GIT_PATH_LIST_SEPARATOR &&
1205 0 0 (sep <= start || sep[-1] != '\\'))
1209 0 1 if (git_str_set(buf, start, (size_t)(sep - start)) < 0)
1221 0 7 if ((error = git_config_new(&cfg)) < 0)
1230 7 0 if (!error && !git_config__find_xdg(&buf))
0 7 if (!error && !git_config__find_xdg(&buf))
1234 7 0 if (!error && !git_config__find_system(&buf))
0 7 if (!error && !git_config__find_system(&buf))
1238 7 0 if (!error && !git_config__find_programdata(&buf))
0 7 if (!error && !git_config__find_programdata(&buf))
1244 0 7 if (error) {
1260 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cfg);
1263 0 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend) {
0 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend) {
1269 0 0 if ((error = backend->lock(backend)) < 0)
1280 0 0 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(cfg);
1283 0 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend) {
0 0 if (!internal || !internal->backend) {
1305 53 0 for (i = 0; i < map_n; ++i) {
1313 32 14 if (git_config_parse_bool(&bool_val, value) == 0 &&
16 16 if (git_config_parse_bool(&bool_val, value) == 0 &&
1322 0 0 if (git_config_parse_int32(out, value) == 0)
1327 7 0 if (value && strcasecmp(value, m->str_match) == 0) {
7 0 if (value && strcasecmp(value, m->str_match) == 0) {
1344 0 0 for (i = 0; i < map_n; i++) {
1347 0 0 if (m->map_value != enum_val)
1361 633 14 if (git__parse_bool(out, value) == 0)
1364 0 14 if (git_config_parse_int32(out, value) == 0) {
1378 78 0 if (!value || git__strntol64(&num, value, strlen(value), &num_end, 0) < 0)
64 14 if (!value || git__strntol64(&num, value, strlen(value), &num_end, 0) < 0)
1398 0 0 if (num_end[1] != '\0')
1412 14 0 git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_CONFIG, "failed to parse '%s' as an integer", value ? value : "(null)");
1421 14 64 if (git_config_parse_int64(&tmp, value) < 0)
1425 0 64 if (truncate != tmp)
1432 14 0 git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_CONFIG, "failed to parse '%s' as a 32-bit integer", value ? value : "(null)");
1440 0 1186 if (start == end)
1444 8177 592 for (scan = start; *scan; ++scan) {
1445 3236 4941 if (end && scan >= end)
594 2642 if (end && scan >= end)
1447 7583 0 if (isalnum(*scan))
1449 0 0 else if (*scan != '-' || scan == start)
0 0 else if (*scan != '-' || scan == start)
1453 0 1186 if (scan == start)
1465 0 592 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(in);
1466 0 592 GIT_ASSERT_ARG(out);
1469 0 592 GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(name);
1474 592 0 if (fdot == NULL || fdot == name || ldot == NULL || !ldot[1])
592 0 if (fdot == NULL || fdot == name || ldot == NULL || !ldot[1])
592 0 if (fdot == NULL || fdot == name || ldot == NULL || !ldot[1])
592 0 if (fdot == NULL || fdot == name || ldot == NULL || !ldot[1])
1483 792 592 while (fdot < ldot)
1484 0 792 if (*fdot++ == '\n')
1510 2 2 if (base_len > 0 &&
2 0 if (base_len > 0 &&
1519 4 0 if (!error)
1537 0 3 if ((error = git_str_puts(&pattern, "\\..+")) < 0)
1540 0 3 if ((error = git_repository_config__weakptr(&config, repo)) < 0)
1547 0 3 if ((error = git_str_join(&replace, '.', new_section_name, "")) < 0)
1550 2 1 if (new_section_name != NULL &&
0 2 if (new_section_name != NULL &&