Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 46 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
37 0 0 0 $self->gitflux_is_initialized and not $force
43 0 0 0 $self->gitflux_has_master_configured and not $force
99 0 0 0 $self->gitflux_has_devel_configured and not $force
232 0 0 0 defined $answer and $answer ne ''
236 0 0 0 defined $answer and $answer eq '-'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
59 0 0 $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.branch.master')) || 'master'
110 0 0 $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.branch.devel')) || 'devel'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
88 0 0 0 $answer || $default_suggestion
143 0 0 0 $answer || $default_suggestion
197 0 0 0 $force or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.feature'))
0 0 0 $force or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.feature')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.release'))
0 0 0 $force or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.feature')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.release')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.hotfix'))
0 0 0 $force or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.feature')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.release')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.hotfix')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', ''))
0 0 0 $force or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.feature')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.release')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.hotfix')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', '')) or not $repo->run('config', ('--get', 'gitflux.prefix.versiontag'))
214 0 0 0 $cmd->exit == 1 or $force
215 0 0 0 $repo->run('config', '--get', "gitflux.prefix.$type") || "$type/"