Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 27 48 56.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
422 24 11 0 $$top_level{'params'} and $$top_level{'leaf'}
455 2 0 6 $$top_level{'params'} and not $$top_level{'leaf'}
525 4 20 4 $$known_ops{'abbr'} and $op eq $$known_ops{'abbr'}
710 0 0 1 $$options{'fh'} and not $$options{'wrap_at'}
711 1 0 0 -t $$options{'fh'} and defined $ENV{'COLUMNS'}
715 1 0 0 $$options{'wrap_at'} and $$options{'wrap_at'} =~ /^\d{1,4}$/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
496 0 0 $SWITCH_PREFIX_STR || '(?:)'
615 8 1 $length || 1
644 9 0 $SWITCH_PREFIX_STR || ''
650 11 19 $$a{'optional'} || 0
14 16 $$b{'optional'} || 0
676 23 0 $$top_level{'descr'} || '(No description provided.)'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
425 22 0 13 $$top_level{'optional'} or $$top_level{'leaf'}
471 7 0 7 $this_level or $this_level_is_a_leaf
495 0 0 4 not $SWITCH_PREFIX_STR or $SWITCH_PREFIX_STR ne '-'
525 0 0 28 $op eq $$known_ops{'name'} or $$known_ops{'abbr'} and $op eq $$known_ops{'abbr'}
528 0 0 4 $$known_ops{'optional'} or $$known_ops{'leaf'}
552 16 0 20 $$optional_ops{'optional'} or $$optional_ops{'leaf'}