Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 91 109 83.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
510 4 0 12 defined $_[0] and @_ == 1
4 12 0 defined $_[0] and @_ == 1 and $_[0] =~ /^[01]$/ || ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'IO::File'
2 2 2 $$enabled_ref and @_
591 37 3 25 /^-/ && !/^--/ && !$required{$_}
592 37 3 25 /^-/ && !/^--/ && !$required{$_}
596 54 1 10 /^--/ && !$required{$_}
600 37 25 3 /^-/ && !/^--/ && $required{$_}
604 54 10 1 /^--/ && $required{$_}
612 1 0 16 ref $ref and ref $ref eq 'HASH'
666 26 35 4 /^-/ && $$template{$_}{'multiple'}
679 26 26 13 ref $$template{$_} eq 'HASH' && /^-+/ && exists $$template{$_}{'help'}
726 1 0 16 ref $ref and ref $ref eq 'HASH'
731 3 10 1 $$ref{'n_values'} and not $$ref{'n_values'} =~ /^\d+/
757 0 0 5 ref $ref and ref $ref eq 'ARRAY'
810 15 13 27 @$argv and $$argv[0] =~ /^-/
28 0 27 @$argv and $$argv[0] =~ /^-/ and not @errors
826 27 3 1 exists $$this{$option}{'exists'} and not $$ref{'multiple'}
841 3 0 3 --$n_values and not @errors
870 1 5 18 @$argv and not $$argv[0] =~ /^-/
895 2 27 2 not @errors and $$ref{'callback'}
913 18 0 13 $$template{'other_values'} and not @errors
915 2 10 1 exists $$ref{'n_values'} and $$ref{'n_values'} == 0
12 0 1 exists $$ref{'n_values'} and $$ref{'n_values'} == 0 and @$argv
921 2 1 9 $n and @$argv
3 7 2 $n and @$argv and $n != @$argv
931 2 7 3 not @errors and $$ref{'callback'}
975 37 129 1 $i++ && $keys{$_}++
1003 26 2 4 !$x{$_}++ && $required{$_} && $$this{$_}{'exists'}
1005 2 0 3 @r and @r == scalar keys %required
1017 12 5 6 $_ =~ /^-/ && $$this{$_}{'exists'}
1081 0 0 2 ref $$ref{'values'} && ref $$ref{'values'} eq 'ARRAY'
1104 0 0 3 $option and $$this{$option}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
835 4 3 $$ref{'multiple'} || 0
920 10 2 $$ref{'n_values'} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
510 8 0 4 $_[0] =~ /^[01]$/ || ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'IO::File'
946 0 0 38 not ref $_[0] or ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY'
965 39 25 1 /^-/ || $valid{$_}