Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 78 82 95.1

line true false branch
100 5 21 if (not $rules_ref or ref $rules_ref and not scalar keys %{$rules_ref;})
105 125 83 unless (defined $$options_ref{$option})
109 2 24 if ($$options_ref{'style'} eq 'GNU')
118 26 0 if (scalar @{$argv_ref;})
158 58 19 if (ref $rule_spec ne 'HASH')
163 7 70 if ($$rule_spec{'help'})
178 3 74 if ($aliases_inside_spec)
181 2 1 ref $aliases_inside_spec eq 'ARRAY' ? :
187 1 76 if ($rule_name_final =~ s/!\z//msx)
194 1 76 if ($rule_name_final =~ s/\( (.+?) \)//msx)
226 1 65 if ($$rule_spec{'required'} and not $$result{$rule_name})
232 6 59 if ($$rule_spec{'default'} and not $$result{$rule_name})
251 2 145 if ($argument eq '--' and $$options_ref{'end_on_dashdash'}) { }
86 59 elsif ($is_arg_of_type and not $end_processing) { }
261 4 82 if ($is_arg_of_type eq 'short' and $$options_ref{'split_multiple_shorts'})
276 4 89 if ($argument =~ /$RE_ASSIGNMENT/)
285 3 90 if (not $opt_has_rule and $$aliases{$argument_name})
293 1 25 unless ($opt_has_rule or $$options_ref{'allow_unspecified'})
297 67 25 $opt_has_rule ? :
317 53 94 if ($argument =~ /$RE_LONG_ARGUMENT/)
321 37 57 if ($argument =~ /$RE_SHORT_ARGUMENT/)
337 1 36 if $value eq ''
341 7 29 if ($first_two_chars eq '0x') { }
17 12 elsif ($value =~ /\A [-+]? \d+ \z/msx) { }
345 5 2 if ($value =~ /\A [\dA-Fa-f]+ \z/msx)
357 14 22 unless ($is_digit)
369 2 12 $$options_ref{'die_on_type_mismatch'} ? :
389 10 57 if (ref $rule_type eq 'CODE') { }
7 50 elsif (ref $rule_type eq 'Regexp') { }
395 3 4 unless ($next_arg =~ /$rule_type/)
396 1 2 unless (defined $next_arg)
408 49 1 if ($RULE_ACTION{$rule_type}) { }
412 34 15 if ($TYPE_CHECK{$rule_type})
439 5 1 if ($node->next)
447 4 1 if ($node->prev)
466 0 4 unless $ret
478 1 1 unless ($program_name)
487 4 4 if ($$spec{'type'} eq 'string' or $$spec{'type'} eq 'digit') { }
498 0 2 unless $ret
562 1 7 if ($ret)
574 0 8 if ($regex_modifiers)