Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 48 84 57.1

line true false branch
35 9 0 if @_
54 9 45 if $opt eq "RCFILE"
55 9 36 if (exists $opt{$opt})
60 1 8 if (my $rc = delete $opt{'RCFILE'})
61 0 1 ref $rc eq 'ARRAY' ? :
67 0 9 if %opt
75 0 22 @_ ? :
125 0 8 unless my($key) = $a =~ /^([-\w]+)/u
135 9 0 if (my $default = $obj->{'DEFAULT'})
136 0 9 if (my $bucket = eval { do { $obj->load_module($default) } }) { }
139 0 9 unless $!{'ENOENT'}
142 9 0 if $obj->{'PARSE_MODULE_OPT'}
152 0 32 if $start eq ""
156 9 29 if (my($modpart) = $argv->[0] =~ /^$start_re(.+)/u)
158 9 0 if (my $mod = $obj->parseopt($modpart, $argv)) { }
178 9 0 if ($mod =~ s/ ^ (? \w+ (?: :: \w+)* ) (?: :: (? \w+ (?: (?

[(]) | = ) ## start with '(' or '=' (? [^)]* ) ## optional arg list (?(

) [)] | ) ## close ')' or none ) )? $ /$+{'name'}/ux)

194 0 9 unless (my $bucket = eval { do { $obj->load_module($mod) } })
195 0 0 if ($!{'ENOENT'}) { }
196 0 0 if ($obj->{'IGNORE_NO_MODULE'} and $@ =~ /need to install the (\w+::)*$mod/u) { }
208 0 9 if ($call)
228 5 11 if (my(@s) = $_->default) { }
242 0 83 if $argv->[$i] eq "--"
248 5 91 if (ref $current eq 'ARRAY') { }
260 78 13 unless (@s)
261 72 6 unless $current =~ /^(.+?)=(.*)/u
262 6 0 unless @s = $bucket->getopt($1)
283 4 0 @follow ? :
284 13 5 unless /\A \$ < # $< (? move|remove|copy|ignore ) # command (?: \( (? -?\d+ ) ? # (off (?: ,(? -?\d+ ))? \) )? # ,len) > \z # > /ux
291 1 4 if $+{'cmd'} eq "ignore"
293 1 3 $+{'cmd'} eq 'copy' ? :
297 4 0 defined $+{'len'} ? :
0 4 @$p == 0 ? :
298 1 3 $+{'cmd'} eq 'remove' ? :
302 9 9 if $modified
305 0 18 if (@module = $obj->modopt(\@s))
311 18 0 if $i < @$argv
317 36 0 unless $debug
318 0 0 ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
323 0 0 $a ? :
332 0 0 if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { }
343 0 0 ref $class eq 'ARRAY' ? :
346 0 0 if $_ ne ""