Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 64 17.1

line true false branch
36 0 1 if @_ > 1
40 0 1 if $key eq "<>"
50 0 0 unless defined $name
63 0 2 unless defined $name
78 0 1 unless (defined $name)
82 0 1 if ($handler and not ref $handler)
84 0 0 if ($handler =~ /::/) { }
89 0 0 unless (ref $code)
95 0 0 unless (ref $code)
100 0 0 if (ref $code)
104 0 1 if (substr($name, 0, 1) eq ">")
107 0 0 if (ref $handler eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $handler eq 'CODE' or ref $handler eq 'SCALAR') { }
124 0 1 if ($name eq "<>")
127 0 1 if ($name eq "-")
128 0 0 if ($spec and $spec ne "!")
135 0 1 if ($spec =~ /[\!\+]/ and defined $completion_handlers->{$key})
139 0 1 if (ref $completion_handlers->{$key} eq "ARRAY" and @{$completion_handlers->{$key};} == 0)
146 0 1 @parse_errors ? :
151 0 0 if ($ENV{'COMP_LINE'})
153 0 0 unless ($command)
162 0 0 unless ($args->errors)
177 0 0 unless $pid
211 0 0 unless (@left)
218 0 0 if (substr($left, -1) ne ' ' or substr($left, -2) eq '\\ ') { }
226 0 0 @left && $left[-1] =~ /^-{1,2}/ && !($left[-1] =~ /^-{1,2}[\w\-]+\=/) ? :
231 0 0 if ($previous)
234 0 0 if ($spec and $spec =~ /[\!\+]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /no-(.*)/) { }
243 0 0 if ($spec and $spec =~ /[\!\+]/)
252 0 0 if ($current =~ /^([\'\"])/)
255 0 0 if (substr($current, -1, 1) eq $quote and not substr($current, -2, 1) eq "\\")