Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 108 132 81.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
619 67 15 exists $$self{-'subparsers'} and scalar @argv

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
144 0 0 18 $parent_class and $parent_class->isa('Getopt::ArgParse::Parser')
359 3 7 17 $type != 4 and $type != 2
10 13 4 $type != 4 and $type != 2 and $nargs ne '1'
20 1 3 $type != 4 and $type != 2 and $nargs ne '1' and $nargs ne '?'
400 193 3 0 defined $split and not $split
196 0 0 defined $split and not $split and $split =~ /^ +$/
404 193 2 1 defined $split and $type != 2
195 1 0 defined $split and $type != 2 and $type != 4
426 1 13 1 $type != 2 and scalar @$default > 1
436 191 1 2 $choices and ref $choices ne 'CODE'
192 2 0 $choices and ref $choices ne 'CODE' and ref $choices ne 'ARRAY'
445 191 2 1 $choices and $choices_i
449 191 1 1 $choices_i and ref $choices_i ne 'ARRAY'
619 0 0 15 exists $$self{-'subparsers'} and scalar @argv and defined $argv[0]
0 4 11 exists $$self{-'subparsers'} and scalar @argv and defined $argv[0] and substr($argv[0], 0, 1) ne '-'
637 4 51 1 $self->print_usage_if_help and $self->namespace->get_attr('help')
642 1 7 2 $self->print_usage_if_help and $self->_command eq 'help'
792 14 34 3 scalar @$values and scalar @$values != $number
832 76 59 63 not defined $self->namespace->get_attr($$spec{'dest'}) and scalar @$values < 1
135 55 8 not defined $self->namespace->get_attr($$spec{'dest'}) and scalar @$values < 1 and defined $$spec{'default'}
953 169 2 15 $$spec{'required'} and not $self->namespace->get_attr('help')
1207 17 0 0 $$spec{'choices'} and ref $$spec{'choices'} ne 'CODE'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
204 8 7 delete $$args{'title'} || 'Subcommands'
205 2 13 delete $$args{'description'} || ''
260 4 28 delete $$args{'parents'} || []
265 23 9 delete $$args{'help'} || ''
266 1 31 delete $$args{'description'} || ''
267 5 27 delete $$args{'aliases'} || []
350 139 59 delete $$args{'type'} || 'Scalar'
380 33 163 delete $$args{'action'} || '_store'
435 3 191 delete $$args{'choices'} || undef
443 3 191 delete $$args{'choices_i'} || undef
458 15 177 delete $$args{'required'} || ''
467 108 84 delete $$args{'help'} || ''
505 13 177 $required || ''
1065 6 0 shift @desc || ''
1146 0 0 $$self{-'group_description'}{$group} || ''
1239 17 0 shift @help || ''
1282 0 0 $$spec{'type'} || 'undef'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
368 15 8 163 $type == 2 or $type == 4
460 107 10 75 $type == 5 or $type == 3
472 0 192 0 delete $$args{'metavar'} || uc $name
474 107 10 75 $type == 5 or $action_name eq '_count'
481 89 103 0 delete $$args{'dest'} || $name
703 10 4 144 $$spec{'type'} == 2 or $$spec{'type'} == 3
14 4 140 $$spec{'type'} == 2 or $$spec{'type'} == 3 or $$spec{'type'} == 4
8 48 92 $$spec{'type'} == 2 or $$spec{'type'} == 3 or $$spec{'type'} == 4 or $$spec{'type'} == 1
980 1 0 0 shift() || $self->namespace->get_attr('help_command') || $self->namespace->get_attr('current_command')
1222 7 10 0 $$spec{'help'} || 'This is option ' . $$spec{'dest'}