Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 68 128 53.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
232 11 1 3 @args > 2 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH'
12 0 3 @args > 2 and ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' and ref $args[1] ne 'ARRAY'
246 0 1 6 ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'Getopt::Alt::Exception'
1 3 3 ref $_ and ref $_ eq 'Getopt::Alt::Exception' and $_->help
290 0 0 0 $self->auto_complete and $self->opt->auto_complete
0 0 0 $self->auto_complete and $self->opt->auto_complete and path($0)->basename eq path($args[0])->basename
296 0 0 0 $self->opt->auto_complete and $self->sub_command
0 0 0 $self->opt->auto_complete and $self->sub_command and $self->has_auto_complete_shortener
320 78 0 0 $self->opt->auto_complete and $opt_name eq 'auto_complete_list'
326 58 10 10 not $used and $short
68 0 10 not $used and $short and defined $arg_data
10 8 2 not $used and $short and defined $arg_data and length $arg_data
329 78 0 0 $self->has_conf_section and $self->conf_section
78 0 0 $self->has_conf_section and $self->conf_section and $self->conf_section eq $opt_name
0 0 0 $self->has_conf_section and $self->conf_section and $self->conf_section eq $opt_name and @args_orig
360 3 0 7 ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' and @$_ == 1
362 10 0 0 $self->has_auto_complete and $self->opt->auto_complete
375 0 4 0 @{$self->files;} and $self->files->[0] eq '--'
377 4 0 0 not @{$self->files;} and @args
381 0 0 4 not $self->cmd and @{$self->files;}
383 64 0 13 not $passed_args and $self->files
388 1 0 3 ref $self->sub_command eq 'HASH' and !$self->has_auto_complete || $self->cmd && $self->sub_command->{$self->cmd}
1 0 0 $self->sub_command =~ /^[A-Z].*::$/ and !$self->has_auto_complete || $self->cmd && $self->sub_command->{$self->cmd}
407 1 0 2 @$sub == 2 && ref $sub->[0] eq 'HASH' && ref $sub->[1] eq 'ARRAY'
443 8 0 0 $self->auto_complete and $self->opt->auto_complete
7 1 0 $self->sub_command and not $self->cmd
471 2 0 2 $self->sub_command and not $self->cmd
0 0 2 $ARGV[-1] and $ARGV[-1] =~ /^-/msx
515 88 3 3 $has_no and $long
524 378 217 30 $long and $opt->name eq $long
527 697 401 0 defined $long and $name eq $long
528 401 647 50 defined $short and $name eq $short
532 8 5 1 $long and $long =~ /^\d+$/msx
5 6 2 defined $short and $short =~ /^\d$/msx
561 6 0 0 $self->help_packages and $self->cmd
0 0 6 $self->help_package and $self->help_package ne '1'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
438 0 0 $self->sub_module_method || 'run'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
241 14 0 0 not $self->help_package or $self->help_package eq 'Getopt::Alt'
253 4 0 0 not $self->help_package or $self->help_package eq 'Getopt::Alt'
388 3 0 0 !$self->has_auto_complete || $self->cmd && $self->sub_command->{$self->cmd}
0 0 0 !$self->has_auto_complete || $self->cmd && $self->sub_command->{$self->cmd}
532 1 3 10 $long and $long =~ /^\d+$/msx or defined $short and $short =~ /^\d$/msx
536 1 1 1 $long || $short