Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 18 90 20.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
109 113 0 0 ref $url and $url->isa('URI')
539 3 0 0 $args{'http_username'} and $args{'http_password'}
720 0 7 0 not $? and $found
1049 0 0 0 not $options{'http_auth_cb'} and $options{'http_username'}
0 0 0 not $options{'http_auth_cb'} and $options{'http_username'} and $options{'http_password'}
1171 0 0 0 $$hdr{'Status'} eq '401' and not $tried_auth
0 0 0 $$hdr{'Status'} eq '401' and not $tried_auth and $handle_auth
1200 0 0 0 $$spec{'type'} and $$spec{'type'} eq 257
1221 0 0 0 $status and $$options{'on_error'}
1224 0 0 0 not $status and $$options{'on_success'}
1362 0 0 0 $status and $options{'on_error'}
1376 0 0 0 $$data{'type'} and $$data{'type'} eq 'stats'
1435 0 0 0 $authenticate and $authenticate =~ /^Digest /

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
208 3 1 $args{'on_error'} || sub { my($error) = @_; warn 'Gerrit::Client' . ": $error\n"; return 1; }
549 0 3 $args{'on_error'} ||= sub { warn 'Gerrit::Client', ': ', @_; }
1427 0 0 $args{'cnonce_cb'} || sub { sprintf '%08x', (rand()) * 4294967296; }
1451 0 0 $attr{'algorithm'} ||= 'MD5'
1452 0 0 $attr{'qop'} ||= []
1468 0 0 $noncecount{$nonce} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
200 3 1 0 $args{'ssh_url'} ||= $args{'url'}
202 4 0 0 $args{'ssh_url'} || croak('missing ssh_url argument')
203 4 0 0 $args{'on_event'} || croak('missing on_event argument')
538 0 3 0 $args{'ssh_url'} ||= $args{'url'}
540 0 0 0 $args{'http_auth_cb'} ||= http_digest_auth($args{'http_username'}, $args{'http_password'})
544 1 1 1 $args{'on_patchset'} or $args{'on_patchset_cmd'}
2 1 0 $args{'on_patchset'} or $args{'on_patchset_cmd'} or $args{'on_patchset_fork'}
1043 0 0 0 $options{'ssh_url'} ||= $options{'url'}
1045 0 0 0 $options{'ssh_url'} or $options{'http_url'}
1057 0 0 0 $options{'project'} ||= $options{'parsed_url'}{'project'}
1116 0 0 0 $$data{'message'} or $$data{'comments'}
1328 0 0 0 $options{'ssh_url'} ||= $options{'url'}