Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 58 70.6

line true false branch
50 29 31 if (ref $previous_pt)
51 0 29 unless $previous_pt->isa("Geo::TCX::Trackpoint")
53 0 60 if @_
56 60 0 if ($track_str =~ m[\s*^\<Track\>(.*)\</Track\>\s*$]gs) { }
92 0 3 unless $y->isa("Geo::TCX::Track")
97 2 1 unless ($opts{'as_is'})
104 0 2 if $gap > $opts{'tolerance'}
121 1 1 $opts{'speed'} ? :
169 0 10 unless wantarray
193 0 2 unless wantarray
194 0 2 if not defined $to_pt or @_
196 2 0 unless ref $to_pt
225 2 46 if ($i == 1) { }
256 0 50 if $@
276 0 6476 if $point_i eq 0
277 0 6476 if not $point_i or @_
278 6411 65 if $point_i > 0
296 2 164 if (@point_list) { }
357 3 6 if (ref $_[0] and $_[0]->isa('DateTime::Duration')) { }
369 3 4 if (ref $_[0] and $_[0]->isa('DateTime::Duration')) { }
395 0 4 if @_
397 0 4 unless ($class->isa("Geo::TCX::Trackpoint") or $class->isa("Geo::Gpx::Point"))
407 1 249 unless ($lat and $lon)
414 125 124 if ($distance < $min_dist)
420 4 0 if wantarray
438 5 16 $opts{'indent'} ? :
439 5 16 $opts{'indent'} ? :
440 20 1 $opts{'n_tabs'} ? :
466 0 0 if @_