Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 88 61.3

line true false branch
64 0 7416 unless $self->can($parser)
69 0 7416 if (length $$self{"shp_data"})
71 0 0 $len > 1 ? :
87 0 0 if (@_ == 1) { }
89 0 0 if ($point->isa("Geo::ShapeFile::Point"))
304 12279 7416 $end =~ /^l/i ? :
315 4860 0 $end =~ /^l/i ? :
332 30912 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
344 732 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
358 4863 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
378 0 31971 if ($template eq "d")
391 0 4666 unless $parts
4666 85 wantarray ? :
400 0 4626 unless $points
4626 85 wantarray ? :
407 0 85 if $index <= 0
414 0 85 if $index > $#$parts
421 27 58 if ($end < 0)
425 0 85 wantarray ? :
489 5 0 wantarray ? :
496 0 0 unless $self->bounds_contains_point($point)
499 0 0 if $check_pt == $point
508 37 22 if $self->get_spatial_index or defined $index_res
511 4 18 unless $self->bounds_contains_point($point)
533 52 1934 if ($y2 >= 0 != $y1 >= 0)
535 26 26 if ($y2 > $y1) { }
536 9 17 if ($isl > 0)
541 18 8 if ($isl < 0)
556 4 33 unless $self->bounds_contains_point($point)
574 42 39 unless scalar @results
586 82 22880 if ($y2 >= 0 != $y1 >= 0)
588 41 41 if ($y2 > $y1) { }
589 9 32 if ($isl > 0)
594 33 8 if ($isl < 0)
626 0 7 if $n < 1
641 7 5 if (@parts > 1) { }
649 7 5 @$segments > 20 ? :
671 5 2 wantarray ? :
701 7 0 wantarray ? :
715 0 12 wantarray ? :
725 0 0 if ($part) { }
752 0 0 if (defined $part) { }
812 0 0 if (defined $self->z_min and defined $self->z_max)
819 0 0 if (defined $self->m_min and defined $self->m_max)