Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 82 130 63.0

line true false branch
47 14 29 if ($$args{'no_cache'})
66 40 3 if ($self->file_exists($$self{'filebase'} . '.shx'))
71 40 3 if ($self->file_exists($$self{'filebase'} . '.shp'))
76 41 2 if ($self->file_exists($$self{'filebase'} . '.dbf'))
81 2 41 unless ($$self{'has_dbf'})
83 2 0 unless $$self{'has_shp'} and $$self{'has_shx'}
96 41 0 if (-e $file_name) { }
114 121 8 if -e $file_name
140 0 27430 if (defined $flag)
149 37008 27430 if $$self{'_no_cache'}
152 0 27430 if $$self{'_change_cache'}{$type} and $$self{'_change_cache'}{$type}{$obj}
154 0 27430 unless $self->caching($type)
156 8371 19059 if ($cache)
175 6 2 wantarray ? :
183 2 0 unless (defined $sub)
190 1 1 unless (defined $shapes)
196 2 0 wantarray ? :
204 0 0 unless (defined $sub)
265 80 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
280 2 3 if $type =~ /^[0-9]+$/
290 0 28 unless defined $$self{'dbf_field_names'}
295 28 0 wantarray ? :
323 41 0 if ord $last_byte == 26
325 0 41 if $ls != $li
336 37 357 if ord $chr == 13
337 4 353 if length $tmp < 32
353 0 41 if $count < 1
359 0 353 if $$_{'size'} < 1
362 0 353 if $$_{'size'} > 4000
411 0 0 unless $header
421 0 0 wantarray ? :
430 6939 2313 unless ($dbf)
449 4626 4626 wantarray ? :
465 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'shx_' . $val} or defined $$self{'shp_' . $val})
471 151 0 defined $$self{'shx_' . $val} ? :
511 2 26 unless $self->records
519 2 26 unless $self->records
572 0 33 if defined $$self{'_change_cache'}{'shape_type'}
581 0 214 if defined $$self{'_change_cache'}{'records'}
583 0 214 unless ($$self{'shx_file_length'})
597 0 197 if defined $$self{'_change_cache'}{'records'}
599 196 1 if ($$self{'shx_file_length'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($$self{'dbf_num_records'}) { }
626 0 17630 unless $entry
631 12520 5110 unless ($shx)
658 2 10 if (my $sp_index = $self->get_spatial_index)
665 0 2 wantarray ? :
674 0 962 if $self->type($type) eq 'Null'
676 0 962 if ($self->type($type) =~ /^Point/) { }
962 0 elsif ($self->type($type) =~ /^(PolyLine|Polygon|MultiPoint|MultiPatch)/) { }
678 0 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
684 0 0 if ($self->area_contains_point($pt, @area))
690 962 0 $little_endian_sys ? :
695 615 347 if ($self->check_in_area(@p, @area))
704 8 2 wantarray ? :
730 0 0 if ($_[0] > $_[1])
752 0 0 $end =~ /^l/i ? :
765 7416 3265 unless ($shape)
796 121 33507 unless ($$self{$han})
798 121 0 if (-e $file) { }
801 0 121 unless $$self{$han}->open($file, 0)
824 0 33628 unless $h->seek($offset, 0)
830 0 33628 unless defined $res
833 0 33628 if $res == 0
869 2 26 unless scalar @objects