Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 28 42.8

line true false branch
86 2 8 unless ($$self{'lonlathae'})
90 2 0 if ($envname)
95 1 1 if ($coordinates) { }
1 0 elsif (defined($file = $self->configfile) and -r $file and defined $self->ci and $self->ci->SectionExists('wgs84')) { }
111 0 0 $envname ? :
112 0 0 $file ? :
133 0 2 if $_
134 2 0 unless defined $$self{'envname'}
150 0 6 if @_
151 0 6 unless (defined $$self{'configfile'})
154 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
156 0 0 unless $@
159 0 0 unless $@
213 1 4 unless ref $$self{'ci'} eq 'Config::IniFiles'