Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 86 206 41.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
1170 665 0 80 @p % 2 == 0 and defined $c
665 80 0 @p % 2 == 0 and defined $c and exists $c{$c}
1173 0 0 205 defined $c{$c} and exists $defaults{$c{$c}}
1180 1 3372 0 not &blessed($p[$i]) and ref $p[$i] ne $t
1197 1123 0 1 defined $default and not defined $string
1199 289 834 0 $int2string_hash and exists $int2string_hash->{$string}
1394 0 0 0 defined $p[$i] and ref $p[$i]
1473 10 0 8 defined $test and $test eq 'YES'
1481 173 0 447 defined $h && $h eq 'YES'
1531 2 49 1 $name and &blessed($name)
1703 8 8 0 $p->{'fields'} and ref $p->{'fields'} ne 'ARRAY'
1801 0 0 0 $proj and ref $proj
1888 0 2 0 $name and &blessed($name)
1924 0 0 0 $b and $b eq 'Geo::GDAL::Dataset'
1959 2 0 0 $p->{$srs} and &blessed($p->{$srs})
1972 2 0 0 $b and $b eq 'Geo::GDAL::Dataset'
2004 0 0 0 $b and $b eq 'Geo::GDAL::Dataset'
2018 0 0 0 ref $sources eq 'ARRAY' and defined $sources->[0]
2212 1 0 1 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
2213 1 0 1 @_ > 1 and defined $_[1]
2277 9 0 9 @_ and defined $_[0]
2292 1 0 2 @_ and defined $_[0]
2310 3 0 0 $p->{'progress'} and not defined $p->{'progressdata'}
2345 0 0 0 $p->{'progress'} and not defined $p->{'progressdata'}
2421 0 1 0 @_ and $_[0] =~ /^\d$/
2690 216 4 8 $usage eq $color and $type ne 'Integer'
2854 0 0 0 $self->[2] == 0 && $self->[4] == 0
2864 1 0 4 $p and &blessed($p)
2935 0 0 0 $self->[0] < $e->[2] && $self->[2] > $e->[0] && $self->[1] < $e->[3] && $self->[3] > $e->[1]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
490 7 3 $pi //= 'RGB'
1144 1 0 $Geo::GDAL::error[$#Geo::GDAL::error] // ''
1169 745 0 $p[0] // ''
1340 2 0 $p[1] //= 'ReadOnly'
1352 0 0 shift() // ''
1437 0 0 shift() // ''
1639 36 16 $index //= 1
1649 3 0 $type //= 'Byte'
1675 0 0 $name //= ''
1821 0 0 $xoff //= 0
1822 0 0 $yoff //= 0
2203 1 0 $unit //= ''
2222 1 18 $xoff //= 0
2223 1 18 $yoff //= 0
2228 0 19 $alg //= 'NearestNeighbour'
2246 1 14 $xoff //= 0
2247 1 14 $yoff //= 0
2330 0 0 $p->{'layerconstructor'}{'Schema'} //= {}
2331 0 0 $p->{'layerconstructor'}{'Schema'}{'Fields'} //= []
2357 0 2 $p[0] //= 10
2358 0 2 $p[1] //= 0
2533 0 0 $p->{'options'}{'DATATYPE'} //= 'Float32'
2581 267 0 shift() // 0
2869 1 1 shift() // 1
2975 0 0 shift() // ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
1190 3561 884 2763 $named{$c} //= $defaults{$k}
1341 2 0 0 $p[1] eq 'ReadOnly' or $p[1] eq 'Update'
1713 0 3 10 $f->{'GeometryType'} or exists $Geo::OGR::Geometry::TYPE_STRING2INT{$f->{'Type'}}
2053 1 0 0 $p->{'red'} //= $b
2054 1 0 0 $p->{'green'} //= $b
2055 1 0 0 $p->{'blue'} //= $b
2080 0 1 0 $p->{'red'} //= $b
2081 0 1 0 $p->{'green'} //= $b
2082 0 1 0 $p->{'blue'} //= $b
2086 0 1 0 $p->{'dest'} //= Geo::GDAL::Driver('MEM')->Create('Name', 'dithered', 'Width', $w, 'Height', $h, 'Type', 'Byte')->Band
2096 0 1 0 $p->{'dest'}->ColorTable // $self->ComputeColorTable('Red', $p->{'red'}, 'Green', $p->{'green'}, 'Blue', $p->{'blue'}, 'Progress', $p->{'progress'}, 'ProgressData', $p->{'progressdata'})
0 1 0 $p->{'colortable'} //= $p->{'dest'}->ColorTable // $self->ComputeColorTable('Red', $p->{'red'}, 'Green', $p->{'green'}, 'Blue', $p->{'blue'}, 'Progress', $p->{'progress'}, 'ProgressData', $p->{'progressdata'})
2224 1 18 0 $xsize //= $self->{'XSize'} - $xoff
2225 1 18 0 $ysize //= $self->{'YSize'} - $yoff
2226 0 19 0 $w_tile //= $xsize
2227 0 19 0 $h_tile //= $ysize
2329 0 0 0 $p->{'datasource'} //= Geo::OGR::GetDriver('Memory')->CreateDataSource('ds')
2333 0 0 0 $p->{'idfield'} =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ or $fields{$p->{'idfield'}}
2336 0 0 0 $p->{'elevfield'} =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ or $fields{$p->{'elevfield'}}
2496 0 1 0 $p->{'outlayer'} //= Geo::OGR::Driver('Memory')->Create->CreateLayer('Name', 'polygonized', 'Fields', [{'Name', 'val', 'Type', $dt}, {'Name', 'geom', 'Type', 'Polygon'}])
2502 1 0 0 $leInt32 or $p->{'options'}{'ForceIntPixel'}
2533 1 0 0 $p->{'options'}{'TYPE'} //= ($p->{'options'}{'DATATYPE'} //= 'Float32')
2799 0 0 1 $f eq '..' or $f eq '.'