Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 32 75.0

line true false branch
80 6 4 $args{'key'} ? :
177 5 3 if (defined $args{'location'}) { }
1 2 elsif (defined $args{'addr'}) { }
225 3 1 if (defined $args{'latlng'}) { }
1 0 elsif (defined $args{'lat'} and defined $args{'lon'}) { }
227 0 3 unless @latlng == 2
247 6 4 if ($type eq 'forward') { }
4 0 elsif ($type eq 'reverse') { }
255 4 6 if $$self{'key'}
261 4 6 if (blessed $res and $res->isa('HTTP::Response')) { }
6 0 elsif (ref $res eq 'HASH') { }
262 0 4 unless $res->is_success
265 0 6 unless $$res{'success'}
273 0 10 unless $content
276 0 10 if $@
278 2 8 if $$self{'raise_failure'} and ($$data{'geocoding_results'}{'STATUS'}{'status'} || '') ne 'SUCCESS'