Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 36 69.4

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
339 0 64 392 $result->{'type'} and $result->{'type'} =~ /(?:French|Gregorian|Hebrew|Julian)/
348 0 198 258 $result->{'type'} and $result->{'type'} =~ /(French r|German|Hebrew|Julian)/
435 16 1 1 $date_1->{'bce'} and $date_2->{'bce'} eq ''
1 16 0 $date_1->{'bce'} eq '' and $date_2->{'bce'}
541 36 6 0 defined $date->{'day'} and $date->{'day'} =~ /^\d+$/
663 0 397 0 not $self->error and $#$result < 0
706 40 109 489 exists $item->{'flag'} and exists $count{$item->{'flag'}}
725 1340 0 12 $result->[0]{'flag'} eq 'AND' and $result->[1]{'flag'} eq 'BET'
1338 0 2 $result->[0]{'flag'} eq 'TO' and $result->[1]{'flag'} eq 'FROM'
755 0 0 1 $value->[0]{'type'} eq $calendar and $value->[1]{'type'} eq $calendar

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
435 0 3 18 $date_1->{'kind'} ne $date_2->{'kind'} or $date_1->{'type'} ne $date_2->{'type'}
571 381 16 7152 $i > $#chars or $chars[$i] eq '('