Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 106 36.7

line true false branch
73 1 4 unless &Scalar::Util::blessed($client) and $client->isa('Gearman::Client')
77 4 0 unless (ref $self)
95 0 3 unless $self->{'client'}
97 0 3 if ($self->{'default_sock'})
115 2 1 unless $name and $self->{'hooks'}{$name}
119 0 1 if $@
130 0 2 unless $name
132 1 1 if ($cb) { }
164 1 0 if ($self->{'default_sock'})
185 0 0 if (my $sock = $self->{'loaned_sock'}{$hostport})
186 0 0 if $sock->connected
203 0 0 if (exists $opts{'timeout'})
205 0 0 if defined $timeout
208 0 0 if keys %opts
219 0 0 unless $sock
229 0 0 $timeout ? :
232 0 0 if ($timeout and $time_left <= 0)
236 0 0 unless $nfound
239 0 0 unless vec $rout, $fd, 1
251 0 0 if ($@)
280 2 0 unless $jssock
286 0 0 unless $rv == $len
293 0 0 unless ($rv)
297 0 0 defined $rv ? :
314 0 10 if $self->{'default_sock'}
323 10 0 unless $jss
367 0 0 $res ? :
377 1 0 unless $sock
380 0 0 unless $pn
385 0 0 unless $s
386 0 0 if ($sock == $s)
393 0 0 if $hostport
396 0 0 $fam == 10 ? :
413 1 3 unless $shandle
416 3 0 unless my $task_list = $self->{'waiting'}{$shandle}
420 0 0 unless $task and ref $task eq 'Gearman::Task'
425 0 0 unless @$task_list
435 2 7 if ($res->{'type'} eq 'job_created')
437 1 1 unless $task and ref $task eq 'Gearman::Task'
443 1 0 unless ($ipport)
449 0 0 if $task->{'background'}
454 1 6 if ($res->{'type'} eq 'work_fail')
462 2 4 if ($res->{'type'} eq 'work_complete')
463 1 1 unless ${$res->{'blobref'};} =~ /^$qr/
468 1 0 unless my $task_list = $self->{'waiting'}{$shandle}
473 0 0 unless $task and ref $task eq 'Gearman::Task'
478 0 0 unless @$task_list
483 2 2 if ($res->{'type'} eq 'work_exception')
488 1 1 unless ${$res->{'blobref'};} =~ /^$qr/
493 1 0 unless my $task_list = $self->{'waiting'}{$shandle}
498 0 0 unless $task and ref $task eq 'Gearman::Task'
507 1 1 if ($res->{'type'} eq 'work_status')
510 1 0 unless my $task_list = $self->{'waiting'}{$shandle}