Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 49 96 51.0

line true false branch
46 0 0 if eval "require $mod"
59 240 124 unless defined $$this{$k}
63 34 364 unless (exists $known_opts{$k})
64 26 8 if $k eq 'objs'
65 0 8 if $k eq '_the_map'
66 0 8 if $k eq '_the_groups'
72 8 18 if @e
85 50 213 if ($sub =~ /MapGen\:\:set_(generator|exporter)$/u) { }
6 207 elsif ($sub =~ /MapGen\:\:add_(generator|exporter)_plugin$/u) { }
207 0 elsif ($sub =~ /MapGen\:\:set_([\w\d\_]+)$/u) { }
89 0 50 if $$this{'objs'}{$type}
92 0 50 unless eval { do { "require $module" } }
104 0 6 unless eval { do { "require $newn" } }
113 1 206 unless exists $known_opts{$n}
118 20 392 if (my $oo = $$this{'objs'}{$o})
136 10 8 @opts == 1 && ref $opts[0] eq 'HASH' ? :
139 0 18 if (my $e = $this->_check_opts)
153 1 4 if ($filename) { }
170 1 4 if (-f $filename) { }
171 0 1 unless eval { do { (%$this) = %{Storable::retrieve($filename);} } }
175 0 4 unless eval { do { (%$this) = %{Storable::thaw($filename);} } }
188 0 0 unless open my $load, "$filename"
194 0 0 if $@
206 8 15 if (my $gen = $$this{'objs'}{'generator'}) { }
211 8 0 if ($new_opts and keys %$new_opts)
220 0 15 if $err
224 7 8 if $@
227 108 8 if defined $$this{$_} and $_ ne 'objs'
230 0 8 if ($@)
231 0 0 if $@ =~ /ERROR/u
232 0 0 if $@
251 0 2 if (my $vis = $$this{'objs'}{'exporter'}) { }
253 0 0 @_ == 1 ? :
256 0 2 if $err
260 2 0 if $@
263 0 0 if defined $$this{$_} and $_ ne 'objs'
266 0 0 if ($@)
267 0 0 if $@ =~ /ERROR/u
268 0 0 if $@
283 0 3 unless -f $that
285 3 0 unless ref $this
288 3 0 if (-f $that) { }
300 0 0 unless ref $that
301 0 0 unless 2 == eval { do { @$ul } }
302 0 0 unless 2 == eval { do { @$lr } }
304 0 0 unless ref $this
318 1 0 if wantarray
327 3 3 if $going