Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 83 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
49 0 0 0 $param_class and $param_class->isa('Games::Checkers::Board')
101 0 0 0 $piece == &Pawn() and $self->is_crowning->[$color][$loc]
115 0 0 0 ref $board_or_locs and $board_or_locs->isa('Games::Checkers::Board')
265 0 0 0 $self->occup($loc) && $self->color($loc) == &White()
271 0 0 0 $self->occup($loc) && $self->color($loc) == &Black()
294 0 0 0 ref $self eq ref $board && $$self eq $$board
329 0 0 0 $self->occup($loc) && $self->color($loc) == $color && $self->piece($loc) == $piece
426 0 0 0 $piece == &Pawn() and $self->is_crowning->[$color][$dst]
444 0 0 0 defined $dst0 and $dst != $dst0
464 0 0 0 defined $dst0 and $dst != $dst0
471 0 0 0 $main::RULES{'PAWNS_CANT_CAPTURE_KINGS'} and $self->piece($src) == &Pawn()
0 0 0 $main::RULES{'PAWNS_CANT_CAPTURE_KINGS'} and $self->piece($src) == &Pawn() and $self->piece($enemy) == &King()
475 0 0 0 $main::RULES{'CAPTURING_LEAVES_NO_GAP'} and $self->enclosed_locs->[$enemy]{$dst}
646 0 0 0 @cprefix && $l++ >= ($lines - @cprefix) / 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
65 0 0 $l[4 * (rand()) ** 2] ||= []
93 0 0 shift @piece_color_locs || []
117 0 0 $size ||= 8
131 0 0 $main::RULES{'BOARD_NOTATION'} || 'A1'
551 0 0 shift() || ''
552 0 0 shift() || ''
641 0 0 $compact && 2.5 || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
53 0 0 0 not $board_or_locs or $board_or_locs eq 'default'
112 0 0 0 shift() || $main::RULES{'BOARD_SIZE'}
115 0 0 0 $size ||= $board_or_locs->size
223 0 0 0 $notation == 2 || $notation == 3
237 0 0 0 $notation == 2 || $notation == 3
467 0 0 0 $enemy == &NL() or $enemy == &ML()
504 0 0 0 $self->can_color_beat($color) || $self->can_color_step($color)
553 0 0 0 shift() || $ENV{'COMPACT_BOARD'}
628 0 0 0 $compact or $y == 1