Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 184 0.0

line true false branch
49 0 0 if ($param_class and $param_class->isa('Games::Checkers::Board'))
53 0 0 if (not $board_or_locs or $board_or_locs eq 'default')
62 0 0 unless ($param_class)
64 0 0 if ($board_or_locs eq 'random') { }
0 0 elsif ($board_or_locs eq 'empty') { }
0 0 elsif ($board_or_locs =~ m[^([+-]?)((?:(?:\w?\d+,?)+|/)+)$]) { }
0 0 elsif ($board_or_locs =~ /^([WB]?):([WB])(K?\w?\d+(?:,K?\w?\d+)*):((?!\2)[WB])(K?\w?\d+(?:,K?\w?\d+)*)\.?$/) { }
68 0 0 $1 eq '+' ? :
0 0 if $1
71 0 0 $1 eq 'W' ? :
0 0 if $1
72 0 0 $2 eq 'W' ? :
86 0 0 unless $param_class eq 'ARRAY'
95 0 0 $loc =~ /^\d/ ? :
0 0 ref $loc eq 'ARRAY' ? :
101 0 0 if $piece == &Pawn() and $self->is_crowning->[$color][$loc]
114 0 0 if ($class eq 'Games::Checkers::Board')
115 0 0 if ref $board_or_locs and $board_or_locs->isa('Games::Checkers::Board')
118 0 0 if $size =~ /^\d+$/
120 0 0 if $@
133 0 0 $bn eq 'TR' ? :
0 0 $bn eq 'TL' ? :
0 0 $bn eq 'BR' ? :
0 0 $bn eq 'BL' ? :
160 0 0 $main::RULES{'BOTTOM_LEFT_CELL'} ? :
180 0 0 if ($x + $y) % 2
211 0 0 unless $str =~ /^(\w)(\d)$/
223 0 0 $notation == 2 || $notation == 3 ? :
227 0 0 $notation <= 2 ? :
237 0 0 $notation == 2 || $notation == 3 ? :
241 0 0 $notation <= 2 ? :
284 0 0 unless ref $self eq ref $board
329 0 0 $self->occup($loc) && $self->color($loc) == $color && $self->piece($loc) == $piece ? :
351 0 0 $is_pawn ? :
352 0 0 if $is_pawn
359 0 0 $is_pawn ? :
360 0 0 if $is_pawn
363 0 0 if $white_pawns + $white_kings + $black_pawns + $black_kings == 0
365 0 0 $color == &White() ? :
0 0 !defined($color) ? :
366 0 0 $main::RULES{'KINGS_LONG_RANGED'} ? :
374 0 0 if $white_pawns + $white_kings == 0
375 0 0 if $black_pawns + $black_kings == 0
389 0 0 defined $piece ? :
0 0 defined $color ? :
0 0 $main::RULES{'KINGS_LONG_RANGED'} ? :
0 0 (defined $piece ? $piece : $self->piece($loc)) == &Pawn() ? :
408 0 0 defined $piece ? :
0 0 defined $color ? :
0 0 $main::RULES{'KINGS_LONG_RANGED'} ? :
0 0 (defined $piece ? $piece : $self->piece($loc)) == &Pawn() ? :
424 0 0 if $beat
426 0 0 if ($piece == &Pawn() and $self->is_crowning->[$color][$dst])
438 0 0 unless ($self->occup($src))
444 0 0 if defined $dst0 and $dst != $dst0
445 0 0 if $self->occup($dst)
446 0 0 if $self->enclosed_figure($src, $dst) != &NL()
457 0 0 unless ($self->occup($src))
464 0 0 if defined $dst0 and $dst != $dst0
465 0 0 if $self->occup($dst)
467 0 0 if $enemy == &NL() or $enemy == &ML()
468 0 0 if $self->color($enemy) == $color
471 0 0 if $main::RULES{'PAWNS_CANT_CAPTURE_KINGS'} and $self->piece($src) == &Pawn() and $self->piece($enemy) == &King()
475 0 0 if $main::RULES{'CAPTURING_LEAVES_NO_GAP'} and $self->enclosed_locs->[$enemy]{$dst}
486 0 0 if $self->can_piece_step($iterator->next)
496 0 0 if $self->can_piece_beat($iterator->next)
514 0 0 $main::RULES{'CAPTURING_IN_8_DIRECTIONS'} ? :
0 0 unless my $locs = $main::RULES{'CAPTURING_IN_8_DIRECTIONS'} ? $self->enclosed_8dirs_locs->[$src]{$dst} : $self->enclosed_locs->[$src]{$dst}
519 0 0 if ($self->occup($loc))
520 0 0 if $figure_loc != &NL()
599 0 0 $ENV{'DUMB_CHARS'} ? :
608 0 0 unless $compact
614 0 0 if ($loc != &NL()) { }
617 0 0 $is_king ? :
0 0 $is_king ? :
0 0 $self->white($loc) ? :
0 0 if $self->occup($loc)
619 0 0 $self->white($loc) ? :
0 0 if $self->occup($loc)
628 0 0 unless $compact or $y == 1
631 0 0 unless $compact
634 0 0 unless $compact
636 0 0 if $compact
641 0 0 if $sprefix =~ /^\d+$/
642 0 0 $cprefix ? :
645 0 0 $sprefix =~ s/(.*)\n// ? :
0 0 $sprefix ? :
646 0 0 @cprefix && $l++ >= ($lines - @cprefix) / 2 ? :
0 0 if $cprefix