Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 98 0.0

line true false branch
27 0 0 if $out
37 0 0 unless $x_best_move
45 0 0 if ($$Games::Alak::Tree{'endgame'})
50 0 0 unless @{$$Games::Alak::Tree{'successors'};}
63 0 0 if (@o_move_chosen > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@o_move_chosen == 0) { }
79 0 0 if ($$Games::Alak::Tree{'endgame'})
94 0 0 unless length $line
99 0 0 if ($line =~ /^q/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)\s*to\s*(\d+)$/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^g(?:row)?$/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line eq 'reset') { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^reset\s+([.ox]+)/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^d(?:ump)?\s*(\d+)?$/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line eq 'advise' or $line eq 'advice') { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /l(?:ookahead)?\s+([1-9]+)$/s) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^h/s) { }
112 0 0 if (length $board != 11) { }
0 0 elsif (not $board =~ /\./s) { }
0 0 elsif ($board =~ tr/x// < 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($board =~ tr/o// < 2) { }
127 0 0 defined $1 ? :
183 0 0 unless $depth >= $Games::Alak::Max_depth or @{$$n{'successors'};} or $$n{'endgame'}
186 0 0 if (@{$$n{'successors'};}) { }
211 0 0 $mover eq 'x' ? :
0 0 if (not @best_cases or $best_cases[0]{'average_payoff'} == $this_payoff) { }
0 0 elsif ($mover eq 'x' ? $this_payoff > $best_cases[0]{'average_payoff'} : $this_payoff < $best_cases[0]{'average_payoff'}) { }
225 0 0 if @best_cases == 1
226 0 0 if @best_cases
253 0 0 if $depth > $max_depth_seen
254 0 0 $$n{'whose_turn'} eq 'o' ? :
0 0 $$n{'endgame'} ? :
0 0 unless defined $show_to_depth and $show_to_depth <= $depth
266 0 0 if (@{$$n{'successors'};})
279 0 0 unless $_[1]
286 0 0 unless ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'
288 0 0 if $$node{'endgame'} or $$node{'board'} =~ tr/x// < 2 or $$node{'board'} =~ tr/o// < 2
295 0 0 if ($mover eq 'x') { }
0 0 elsif ($mover eq 'o') { }
300 0 0 if @$successors
305 0 0 unless substr($board, $i, 1) eq $mover
313 0 0 if $to == -1
326 0 0 $mover eq 'o' ? :
0 0 if $to > 1 and $mover eq 'o' ? substr($new_board, 0, $to) =~ s/o(x+)$/'o' . '.' x length($1);/es : substr($new_board, 0, $to) =~ s/x(o+)$/'x' . '.' x length($1);/es
331 0 0 $mover eq 'o' ? :
0 0 if $to < 9 and $mover eq 'o' ? substr($new_board, $to + 1) =~ s/^(x+)o/'.' x length($1) . 'o';/es : substr($new_board, $to + 1) =~ s/^(o+)x/'.' x length($1) . 'x';/es
339 0 0 if (grep(($_ eq $other), split(//, $new_board, 0)) < 2)
343 0 0 if $mover eq 'o'
355 0 0 if $is_endgame