Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 63 88 71.5

line true false branch
134 2502 1377 if (/^(-?\d\d)(-?\d\d)(\d\d)?\s+(.*)/u) { }
357 1020 elsif (/^(-?\d\d-?\d\d(?:\d\d)?(?:--?\d\d-?\d\d(?:\d\d)?)+)\s+(\S+)\s*(?:["\x{201c}](.+)["\x{201d}])?/u) { }
136 884 elsif (/^(\S+)\s+attributes\s+(.*)/u) { }
0 884 elsif (/^(\S+)\s+lib\s+(.*)/u) { }
26 858 elsif (/^(\S+)\s+xml\s+(.*)/u) { }
443 415 elsif (/^(<.*>)/u) { }
36 379 elsif (/^(\S+)\s+path\s+attributes\s+(.*)/u) { }
15 364 elsif (/^(\S+)\s+path\s+(.*)/u) { }
8 356 elsif (/^text\s+(.*)/u) { }
7 349 elsif (/^glow\s+(.*)/u) { }
8 341 elsif (/^label\s+(.*)/u) { }
5 336 elsif (/^license\s+(.*)/u) { }
8 328 elsif (/^other\s+(.*)/u) { }
1 327 elsif (/^url\s+(\S+)/u) { }
8 319 elsif (/^include\s+(\S*)/u) { }
138 41 41 if ($tag eq "name")
190 0 8 if (scalar keys %{$self->seen;} > 5) { }
8 0 elsif (not $self->seen->{$1}) { }
197 8 0 if (index($location, '/') == -1 and -f ($path = 'Mojo::File'->new($self->dist_dir, $location))) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->local_files and -f ($path = 'Mojo::File'->new($location))) { }
0 0 elsif ($location =~ /^https?:/u) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->dist_dir =~ /^https?:/u) { }
210 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
217 0 0 unless $url =~ m[/$]u
222 0 0 if ($response->is_success) { }
233 0 319 if $_ and not /^\s*#/u
248 70 671 if ($attr)
264 0 9 unless @{$self->regions;}
267 0 2502 if $region->z > $maxz
283 0 2502 unless $region->z == $z
284 9 2493 unless defined $minx and $minx <= $region->x
285 208 2294 unless defined $maxx and $maxx >= $region->x
286 9 2493 unless defined $miny and $miny <= $region->y
287 93 2409 unless defined $maxy and $maxy >= $region->y
289 9 0 unless defined $min_x_overall and $minx >= $min_x_overall
290 9 0 unless defined $min_y_overall and $maxx <= $max_x_overall
291 9 0 unless defined $min_y_overall
292 9 0 unless defined $max_y_overall
293 0 9 if $z > 0
307 7 2 if @{$self->defs;}
325 53 194 if ($path or $attributes) { }
328 3 50 if ($path and not $attributes)
332 50 3 if ($attributes)
336 8 45 if ($path)