Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 36 100.0

line true false branch
26 1 3 unless exists $param{'start'} and exists $param{'step_hit'} and exists $param{'step_miss'}
28 1 2 if defined $param{'rand'} and ref $param{'rand'} ne 'CODE'
32 1 4 if (&$rand <= $odds) { }
43 5 7 unless exists $param{'start'} and exists $param{'step'}
45 1 6 if defined $param{'rand'} and ref $param{'rand'} ne 'CODE'
50 4 8 if (&$rand <= $odds) { }
62 1 12 unless exists $param{'start'} and exists $param{'table_hit'} and exists $param{'table_miss'}
65 2 10 if ref $param{'table_hit'} ne 'ARRAY' or not @{$param{'table_hit'};}
68 2 8 if ref $param{'table_miss'} ne 'ARRAY' or not @{$param{'table_miss'};}
70 1 7 if defined $param{'rand'} and ref $param{'rand'} ne 'CODE'
75 2 5 if $idxhit < 0 or $idxhit >= @$table_hit
77 2 3 if $idxmiss < 0 or $idxmiss >= @$table_miss
82 7 8 if (&$rand <= $odds) { }
106 1 12 unless exists $param{'start'} and exists $param{'table'}
109 2 10 if ref $param{'table'} ne 'ARRAY' or not @{$param{'table'};}
111 1 9 if defined $param{'rand'} and ref $param{'rand'} ne 'CODE'
114 2 7 if $index < 0 or $index >= @$table
119 8 12 if (&$rand <= $odds) { }