Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 22 100.0

line true false branch
37 6 4 if (&blessed($other)) { }
38 1 5 unless ($other->isa('GPS::Track::Point'))
46 1 3 unless (ref $other eq 'HASH')
54 2 6 unless defined $otherLon
55 2 4 unless defined $otherLat
57 1 3 unless defined $self->lon
58 1 2 unless defined $self->lat
67 1 8 unless (&blessed($other) and $other->isa('GPS::Track::Point'))
80 4 28 if ($onlyOneDefined or $bothDefined and $me != $other)
93 3 4 defined $value ? :
104 14 14 if (defined $value)