Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 38 81.5

line true false branch
62 5 6 unless ref $self->GeoInverse eq 'Geo::Inverse'
64 5 6 unless $self->separation
65 5 6 unless $self->interlude
66 5 6 unless $self->index
67 5 6 unless $self->weight
83 6 0 wantarray ? :
94 5 76 if @_
106 5 66 if @_
118 5 67 if @_
130 52 165 if @_
142 52 165 if @_
154 57 287 if @_
166 0 111 if @_
178 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'start_dt'})
192 52 112 if @_
204 0 0 unless (defined $$self{'end_dt'})
218 5 65 if @_
238 52 6 if ($self->weight and $self->distance($pt) < $self->separation and $self->duration($pt) < $self->interlude) { }
292 0 52 unless defined $self->start