Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 28 78.5

line true false branch
96 1 13 ref $prototype eq 'CODE' ? :
147 1 21 if $self->{'finished'}
152 7 14 if (defined $max) { }
162 19 2 unless @more
164 0 2 $self->{'f_factory'} ? :
170 1 2 if @more
224 8 10 if (@$items)
230 1 9 if $self->{'finished'}
232 1 8 $self->{'f_factory'} ? :
234 1 0 if not @$items and $self->{'finished'}
263 2 5 if (@$items)
269 0 5 if $self->{'finished'}
271 0 5 $self->{'f_factory'} ? :
273 0 0 if not @$items and $self->{'finished'}