Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 54 0.0

line true false branch
25 0 0 $h ? :
0 0 ref $h eq 'ARRAY' ? :
51 0 0 unless ref $biosInfo eq 'HASH'
54 0 0 if (ref $$systemInfo{'otherIdentifyingInfo'} eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $$systemInfo{'otherIdentifyingInfo'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
59 0 0 if ($$_{'identifierType'}{'key'} eq 'ServiceTag')
137 0 0 if $pcisubsystemid =~ /^[0:]+$/
165 0 0 $$ref{'spec'}{'ip'}{'ipAddress'} ? :
189 0 0 if $$seen{$$_{'device'}}++
190 0 0 $nicType eq 'vnic' ? :
196 0 0 if $$self{'hash'}[0]{'config'}{'network'}{'consoleVnic'}
198 0 0 if $$self{'hash'}[0]{'config'}{'vmotion'}{'netConfig'}{'candidateVnic'}
202 0 0 if $$seen{$$_{'device'}}++
225 0 0 unless ref $altName eq 'HASH'
226 0 0 unless $$altName{'namespace'}
227 0 0 unless $$altName{'data'}
228 0 0 if ($$altName{'namespace'} eq 'SERIALNUM')
232 0 0 if ($$entry{'capacity'}{'blockSize'} and $$entry{'capacity'}{'block'})
236 0 0 if ($$entry{'vendor'} and not $$entry{'vendor'} =~ /^\s*ATA\s*$/) { }
280 0 0 if ($$_{'volume'}{'type'} and $$_{'volume'}{'type'} =~ /NFS/i)
308 0 0 $$machine{'summary'}{'runtime'}{'powerState'} eq 'suspended' ? :
0 0 $$machine{'summary'}{'runtime'}{'powerState'} eq 'poweredOff' ? :
0 0 $$machine{'summary'}{'runtime'}{'powerState'} eq 'poweredOn' ? :
313 0 0 unless $status
317 0 0 if $$device{'macAddress'}
323 0 0 if $comment
325 0 0 if (defined $$_[0]{'summary'}{'config'}{'template'} and $$_[0]{'summary'}{'config'}{'template'} eq 'true')