Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 68 0.0

line true false branch
200 0 0 unless defined $autoloadable{$localsub}
202 0 0 if $@
393 0 0 if ($pipeline_fred->error)
399 0 0 if ($#{$post_filter_reader_aref;} >= 1 and $post_filter_reader_aref->[0] eq '-raw_fh' and $post_filter_reader_aref->[1])
439 0 0 if $#args == -1 or ref $args[0] ne ''
440 0 0 if ($args[0] eq '--fred_exit_sub') { }
0 0 elsif ($args[0] eq '--fred_description') { }
463 0 0 if ($pipeline_fred->error)
515 0 0 if ($pipeline_fred->error)
541 0 0 if defined $writer
542 0 0 if (defined $fred)
547 0 0 if $reader->error
548 0 0 unless $reader->read_row_to_href(\%out_hash)
552 0 0 unless ref $o
554 0 0 if $o
616 0 0 unless $self->get_options(\@argv, 'help|?', sub { pod2usage(1); } , 'man', sub { pod2usage(-'verbose', 2); } , 'autorun!', \$self->{'_autorun'}, 'close!', \$self->{'_close'}, 'd|debug+', \$self->{'_debug'}, 'header=s', \$self->{'_header'}, 'i|input=s', sub { $self->parse_io_option('input', @_); } , 'log!', \$self->{'_logprog'}, 'o|output=s', sub { $self->parse_io_option('output', @_); } )
634 0 0 if ($res == -1)
636 0 0 if $self->{'_debug'}
638 0 0 if ($fred->exit_code != 0)
640 0 0 if $self->{'_debug'}
658 0 0 if $prev_module_i < 0
668 0 0 unless ref($mod) =~ /^Fsdb::Filter/
670 0 0 if (defined $prev_mod)
671 0 0 if $prev_mod->info('output_type') ne $mod->info('input_type')
701 0 0 if $i == $final_mod_i
706 0 0 if $prev_pipe
708 0 0 if defined $self->{'_header'} and not $prev_pipe
709 0 0 if defined $in
710 0 0 if $pipe
716 0 0 if ($fred->error)
727 0 0 if ($err)
732 0 0 if $prev_pipe
734 0 0 $prev_pipe ? :
736 0 0 if defined $self->{'_output'}