Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
212 0 0 defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ? :
245 0 0 unless $self->get_options(\@argv, 'help|?', sub { pod2usage(1); } , 'man', sub { pod2usage(-'verbose', 2); } , 'autorun!', \$self->{'_autorun'}, 'close!', \$self->{'_close'}, 'd|debug+', \$self->{'_debug'}, 'i|input=s@', sub { $self->parse_io_option('inputs', @_); } , 'log!', \$self->{'_logprog'}, 'o|output=s', sub { $self->parse_io_option('output', @_); } , 'saveoutput=s', \$self->{'_save_output'}, 'T|tmpdir|tempdir=s', \$self->{'_tmpdir'}, 'n|numeric', sub { $self->parse_sort_option(@_); } , 'N|lexical', sub { $self->parse_sort_option(@_); } , 'r|descending', sub { $self->parse_sort_option(@_); } , 'R|ascending', sub { $self->parse_sort_option(@_); } , '<>', sub { $self->parse_sort_option('<>', @_); } )
261 0 0 if $#{$$self{'_sort_argv'};} == -1
271 0 0 if $self->{'_ins'}[0]->compare($self->{'_ins'}[1]) ne 'identical'
275 0 0 unless defined $self->{'_compare_code'}
276 0 0 if $self->{'_debug'} and $self->{'_debug'} > 1
296 0 0 if $@
307 0 0 unless defined $a and defined $b
309 0 0 if ($cmp <= 0) { }
318 0 0 if defined $a and defined $b