Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 54 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
127 0 0 0 $dst_col > 3 and $dst_row < 0
0 0 0 $dst_col > 3 and $dst_row < 0 and rank($$self[$dst_col][$dst_row + 1]) > 1
154 0 0 0 rank($src) == rank($$self[suit($src) + 4][0]) + 1 and rank($src) < 3 || 2 == grep((rank($src) <= rank($_) + 1), (map $$_[0], @$self)[grep opposite_colors($src, $_ << 4), 4..7])
226 0 0 0 rank($src) + 1 == rank($dst) and opposite_colors($src, $dst)
244 0 0 0 @empty > 0 and $z[$c] > 1
258 0 0 0 rank($src) + 1 == rank($dst) and opposite_colors($src, $dst)
268 0 0 0 rank($srx) - 1 == rank($$self[$c][$k + 1]) and opposite_colors($srx, $$self[$c][$k + 1])
273 0 0 0 @empty > 0 and $k > 1
0 0 0 @empty > 0 and $k > 1 and $flag == 1
0 0 0 @empty > 0 and $k > 1 and $flag == 1 and ($conf{'winxp_opt'} ? min(1, scalar @empty) : @empty) * (@free + 1) >= (@_ = $k .. $z[$c])
284 0 0 0 rank($srx) + 1 == rank($dst) and opposite_colors($srx, $dst)
0 0 0 rank($srx) + 1 == rank($dst) and opposite_colors($srx, $dst) and (($conf{'winxp_opt'} ? min(1, scalar @empty) : @empty) + 1) * (@free + 1) >= (@_ = $k .. $z[$c])
317 0 0 0 $x++ > 0 and 8 == grep(($_ eq ' '), @r)
377 0 0 0 $super_cnt and not +(min(1, scalar @empty) + $super_orig =~ /c$/) * (@free + 1) >= $super_cnt

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
154 0 0 0 rank($src) < 3 || 2 == grep((rank($src) <= rank($_) + 1), (map $$_[0], @$self)[grep opposite_colors($src, $_ << 4), 4..7])
194 0 0 0 $safe ||= $self->_home($move, $src, $c, 0, 'afh')
201 0 0 0 $safe ||= $self->_home($move, $src, $c, $r, 'ach')
413 0 0 0 !opposite_colors($src1, $src0) || rank($src1) + 1 != rank($src0)