Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 59 101 58.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
324 0 1 $self->copy_set('CURRENT', $name) && $name

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
79 7 5 48 &_is_decimal($_[0]) and &_is_decimal($_[1])
12 46 2 &_is_decimal($_[0]) and &_is_decimal($_[1]) and &_is_decimal($_[2])
7 5 46 &_is_decimal($_[0]) and &_is_decimal($_[1])
118 7 20 33 &_tag($REDUCE, \@tags) ne 'NO_REDUCE' and &_tag($RED_STATE, \@tags) ne 'IS_REDUCED'
123 24 1 8 $not_reduced and &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO'
153 11 1 11 $frac[0] != 0 and $frac[1] != 0
220 3 0 0 $tags[$num] eq undef and not $default
221 3 0 0 $DEF{'CURRENT'}{'TAGS'}[$num] eq $tag and $tags[$num] eq undef
3 0 0 $DEF{'CURRENT'}{'TAGS'}[$num] eq $tag and $tags[$num] eq undef and $default
243 0 0 0 $tags[$num] eq undef and not $inc_def
244 0 0 0 $tags[$num] eq undef and $inc_def
284 0 0 1 exists $DEF{$name} and not $DEF{$name}{'READONLY'}
343 0 0 1 exists $DEF{$_[1]} and not $DEF{$_[1]}{'SYSTEM'}
443 0 1 16 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto
1 2 14 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL'
3 14 0 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL' and $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
482 0 1 6 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto
1 1 5 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL'
2 5 0 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL' and $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
518 0 0 1 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto
0 0 1 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL'
0 1 0 &_tag($AUTO, \@tags) eq 'AUTO' and not $skipauto and $tags[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL' and $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
602 10 0 53 $$tagsref[$SIZE] eq 'SMALL' and $auto
619 6 2 0 $$tagsref[$SIZE] eq 'BIG' and $direction eq 'BOTH'
714 188 51 1 $x0 > 99999999 || $x > 999999999 and int($x0 / $x) * $x + $y != $x0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
77 0 60 0 ref $proto || $proto
323 0 0 1 not $name or $name eq 'RAND'
330 0 0 7 $DEF{$name2}{'READONLY'} or $name2 eq 'BLANK'
0 0 7 $DEF{$name2}{'READONLY'} or $name2 eq 'BLANK' or not exists $DEF{$name1}
443 1 0 13 $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
482 1 0 4 $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
518 0 0 1 $frac[0] =~ /[eE]/ || $frac[1] =~ /[eE]/
714 52 0 188 $x0 > 99999999 || $x > 999999999