Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 28 85.7

line true false branch
44 9 93 if ($@ and $ret)
85 0 68 if exists $meta{$package}
104 67 875 unless ($form_meta and $form_meta->complete)
106 0 67 unless exists $meta{$package_name}
108 2 65 if ref $_[0]
123 0 0 unless $class->DOES("Form::Tiny::Meta")
150 116 1505 if ($arrays->[$index]) { }
153 14 102 unless $current_ref eq "ARRAY"
155 10 92 if (@$value == 0) { }
158 2 8 unless $index == $#path
165 18 142 unless &$traverser([@$curr_path, $ind], $index + 1, $value->[$ind])
176 1261 244 unless $current_ref eq "HASH" and exists $value->{$next}
192 110 1277 if $result
208 188 495 if ($arrays->[$i]) { }