Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 52 54 96.3

line true false branch
66 319 6 if (ref $current or length($current // "") or not $def->hard_required)
70 281 71 if ($def->validate($self, $current))
91 196 250 if (exists $fields->{$curr_f})
94 16 180 $inline_hook ? :
97 192 4 if $self->_ft_mangle_field($validator, \$dirty->{$curr_f})
101 8 246 if ($validator->has_default) { }
14 232 elsif ($validator->required) { }
118 110 1277 if (defined $current_data)
123 6 162 if $path_value->[2]
125 16 146 if $inline_hook
133 108 2 if $all_ok
137 12 1267 if ($validator->has_default) { }
8 1259 elsif ($validator->required) { }
156 6 116 if ($raise and not defined $def)
172 318 9 if (not $hooks{'reformat'} && try(sub { $fields = $hooks{'reformat'}->($self, $fields); } ) and ref $fields eq 'HASH') { }
178 125 193 if $hooks{'before_validate'}
183 186 132 $meta->is_flat ? :
186 14 304 if $hooks{'after_validate'}
193 58 269 if $hooks{'cleanup'} and not $self->has_errors
196 190 137 $form_valid ? :
213 8 7 if $self->check($input)
222 146 3 if (@error == 1) { }
3 0 elsif (@error == 2) { }
223 143 3 if (defined &blessed($error[0])) { }
225 0 143 unless $error->isa("Form::Tiny::Error")
243 104 45 if $error->has_field
247 7 141 if $error->isa("Form::Tiny::Error::NestedFormError")