Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 40 57.5

line true false branch
47 18 26 if ($self->is_leaf) { }
64 18 26 if ($self->is_leaf) { }
94 30 177 if @args % 2 == 1
100 0 207 unless defined $f
102 0 207 unless not ref $f or reftype $f eq 'CODE'
108 0 182 if @inner_args % 2 == 1
140 14 6 if (@path) { }
143 14 0 if (my $child = $self->get_child_at($head)) { }
156 10 6 if (@$path) { }
163 4 6 if (refaddr $transformed == refaddr $targ) { }
189 0 0 defined $child ? :
0 4 unless &blessed($child) and $child->isa(ref $self)
209 0 0 defined $child ? :
0 6 unless &blessed($child) and $child->isa(ref $self)
224 0 2 if @children <= $index
235 0 0 defined $child ? :
0 3 unless &blessed($child) and $child->isa('Forest::Tree::Pure')
240 0 3 if @children < $index
252 23 14 if refaddr $sibling eq refaddr $child
262 0 0 unless defined $class