Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 30 90.0

line true false branch
35 1 11 if (my $where = $self->{'where'})
39 0 1 unless $where_cb = eval $where
42 0 12 unless open my $fh, '<', $self->{'log_file'}
49 2 10 if defined $self->{'from'}
50 2 10 if $self->{'to'}
55 3 17 unless $line
58 3 14 unless $record
62 0 14 if not $start && $end or $end < $start
65 3 1 unless $start >= $from and $start <= $to or $end >= $from and $end <= $to
67 1 10 if ($start < $from)
70 1 10 if ($end > $to)
74 1 10 if $where_cb and not &$where_cb($record)
83 1 9 if (exists $groups{$record->{'_sig'}}) { }
99 4 5 unless @fields
111 3 8 unless @group_by