Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 31 38 81.5

line true false branch
71 0 386 if $DEBUG
89 2 193 if not scalar @_ or scalar(@_) % 2
96 192 1 if (exists $cashflow{'precision'})
101 1 192 unless (defined $precision and looks_like_number $precision)
107 1 191 if scalar @sorted_dates == 0
113 1 11575 unless defined $date and defined $amount
114 1 11574 unless $date =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/
115 1 11573 unless looks_like_number $amount
118 19 11554 if ($amount == 0 and $date ne $date_end)
123 4 184 if ($cashflow{$date_end} == 0)
126 3 1 if (scalar keys %cashflow == 1)
132 1 184 if (scalar keys %cashflow < 2)
146 0 184 if scalar @date_start != 3
171 3 181 if ($@)
174 3 0 if (grep /^$error$/, 1, 4, 2, 6) { }
194 1 2 unless (defined $poly->xneg and defined $poly->xpos)
211 0 2 if ($@)
214 0 0 if (grep /^$error$/, 1, 2, 6) { }
228 0 183 if ($root == 0)