Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 52 90 57.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
127 50 15 47 @{$exchange->trading_days_list;}[$really_when->day_of_week] && !$self->is_holiday_for($exchange->symbol, $really_when)
156 5 0 8 not $date_behind and $counter < 10
187 17 0 30 not $date_next and $counter <= 11
218 0 34 1 $open_ti and $next_day->epoch + $open_ti->seconds <= $date->epoch
514 5 0 17 $day_start != $start_epoch and $start_epoch < $end_epoch
518 1 11 10 $day_end != $end_epoch and $start_epoch < $end_epoch
549 0 0 2 not $self->closes_early_on($exchange, $possible) || $self->opens_late_on($exchange, $possible) and $self->trades_on($exchange, $possible)
652 1 2 2 $when->epoch >= $break_interval->[0]->epoch and $when->epoch <= $break_interval->[1]->epoch
704 81 0 0 $extended_trading_breaks && $when->day_of_week == $extended_trading_breaks
797 1 0 1 $date->is_after($close) and $date->is_before($open)
0 0 1 $date->is_before($close) and $date->is_after($date->truncate_to_day)
842 9 8 0 $next_open and not $date->is_before($next_open)
864 0 3 4 $close and not $when->is_before($close)
0 0 0 $when->is_after($open) and $when->is_before($close)
892 0 5 3 $close and not $when->is_before($close)
915 3 0 1 $when->is_before($int_open) and $when->is_same_as($current_open) || $when->is_after($current_open)
0 0 3 $when->is_after($int_open) and $when->is_before($int_close)
0 0 0 $when->is_after($int_close) and $when->is_before($next_open)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
316 1 2 14 not $opening or $self->_is_in_trading_break($exchange, $date)
317 4 7 3 $date->is_before($opening) or $date->is_after($self->closing_on($exchange, $date))
365 1 26 13 $self->opens_late_on($exchange, $when) // $self->get_exchange_open_times($exchange, $when, "daily_open")
386 2 19 4 $self->closes_early_on($exchange, $when) // $self->get_exchange_open_times($exchange, $when, "daily_close")
433 2 2 15 $exchange->symbol eq "FOREX" or $exchange->symbol eq "METAL"
549 0 0 2 $self->closes_early_on($exchange, $possible) || $self->opens_late_on($exchange, $possible)
864 0 0 0 $when->is_same_as($open) or $when->is_after($open) and $when->is_before($close)
0 0 0 $when->is_same_as($open) or $when->is_after($open) and $when->is_before($close) or $when->is_same_same($close)
915 1 0 0 $when->is_same_as($current_open) || $when->is_after($current_open)
0 3 0 $when->is_same_as($int_open) or $when->is_after($int_open) and $when->is_before($int_close)
3 0 0 $when->is_same_as($int_open) or $when->is_after($int_open) and $when->is_before($int_close) or $when->is_same_as($int_close)
963 1 0 22 $cached_seconds_for_interval{$cache_key} //= do {