Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 58 62.0

line true false branch
39 0 4 if (exists $opts{'proxy'}) { }
41 0 0 if $opts{'proxy'} ne 'no' and $opts{'proxy'} ne 'env'
43 0 0 if $opts{'proxy'} eq 'env'
57 0 4 if exists $proxy{'proxy'}
63 6 25 unless exists $opts{'credentials'}
67 9 16 if (ref $opts{'credentials'}) { }
68 6 3 if exists $opts{'credentials_options'}
72 2 1 unless $self->_isa_credentials($opts{'credentials'})
77 8 8 unless exists $opts{'credentials_options'}
91 0 8 unless $class =~ /^(?:\w|::)+$/
100 1 7 if $@
103 0 7 unless $self->_isa_credentials($full_class)
118 2 40 unless defined eval { do { local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; local $SIG{'__WARN__'}; $credentials->can($sub) } }
145 0 3 if $page =~ /Service Temporarily Unvailable/i
149 0 3 if $page =~ m[
152 0 3 unless $page =~ / Please \s enter \s the \s ([a-z]{5,6}), \s ([a-z]{5,6}) \s and \s ([a-z]{5,6}) \s digits \s from \s your \s (?:Security \s Number|PIN): /xi
160 0 3 unless exists {first => 0, fourth => 3, second => 1, third => 2}->{$1} and exists {first => 0, fourth => 3, second => 1, third => 2}->{$2} and exists {first => 0, fourth => 3, second => 1, third => 2}->{$3}
168 0 3 unless $page =~ / Please \s enter \s the \s ([a-z]{5,11}), \s ([a-z]{5,11}) \s and \s ([a-z]{5,11}) \s characters \s from \s your \s Password: /xi
176 0 3 unless exists {eighteenth => 17, eighth => 7, eleventh => 10, fifteenth => 14, fifth => 4, first => 0, fourteenth => 13, fourth => 3, nineteenth => 18, ninth => 8, second => 1, seventeenth => 16, seventh => 6, sixteenth => 15, sixth => 5, tenth => 9, third => 2, thirteenth => 12, twelfth => 11, twentieth => 19}->{$1} and exists {eighteenth => 17, eighth => 7, eleventh => 10, fifteenth => 14, fifth => 4, first => 0, fourteenth => 13, fourth => 3, nineteenth => 18, ninth => 8, second => 1, seventeenth => 16, seventh => 6, sixteenth => 15, sixth => 5, tenth => 9, third => 2, thirteenth => 12, twelfth => 11, twentieth => 19}->{$2} and exists {eighteenth => 17, eighth => 7, eleventh => 10, fifteenth => 14, fifth => 4, first => 0, fourteenth => 13, fourth => 3, nineteenth => 18, ninth => 8, second => 1, seventeenth => 16, seventh => 6, sixteenth => 15, sixth => 5, tenth => 9, third => 2, thirteenth => 12, twelfth => 11, twentieth => 19}->{$3}
197 0 3 if $page =~ /LogonMessage\.asp/i
200 0 3 if $page =~ m[
210 2 6 unless $$self{'login_ok'} or exists $$self{'in_login'}
215 0 8 if ($self->_check_expired($resp))
219 0 0 if $self->_check_expired($resp)
224 0 8 unless defined wantarray
226 3 5 if (wantarray) { }
244 5 3 if (exists $$self{'rb_id'}) { }
252 0 8 unless $resp->is_success
255 0 8 if not exists $$self{'in_login'} and lc $resp->base->as_string ne lc $full_url