Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 19 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
130 0 0 0 $link and $link->[0] =~ /mouvements\.html/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
265 0 0 $withdrawal || $deposit || 0
277 0 0 $_[1] || "\t"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
72 0 0 0 $opts{'ua'} ||= 'WWW::Mechanize'->new('agent', 'Finance::Bank::CreditMut' . "/$Finance::Bank::CreditMut::VERSION ($^O)", 'cookie_jar', {})
85 0 0 0 $orig_r->content or $count > 13
138 0 0 0 $dept || $asset =~ /(.*?)([A-Z]+)$/
217 0 0 0 $self->{'statements'} ||= do { $self->{'ua'}->get($self->{'url'}); $self->{'ua'}->follow_link('text_regex', qr/XP/); chomp(my @content = split(/\015\012/, $self->{'ua'}->content, 0)); shift @content; [map('Finance::Bank::CreditMut::Statement'->new($_), @content)] }